Author Topic: Version 1.10.0-399-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play  (Read 21744 times)

Kostya Vasilyev

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+ Fixed compat issue with CalenGoo

+ Fixes to message auto-fit

+ New "placeholder" for blocked (linked) images.

+ Build 387: another "auto-fit" fix / improvement.

+ Build 388: fixed "context action mode" having wrong message action icons (in message lists) on Android 4.*.

+ Build 389: fixed wrong (white) panel color in contact picker window.

+ Build 390: fixed (rare) absence of the "attachment" indicator icon on message threads.

+ Build 394: updates in the Spanish translation.

+ Build 395: translation updates (HU, IT, NL).

+ Build 399: minor changes / fixes in "message list" action bar layout


+ Исправление совместимости с CalenGoo

+ Исправления в авто-подгонке сообщений

+ Новый значок "блокированных ссылок на картинки".

+ Сборка 387: исправление / улучшение в "авто-подгонке" сообщений.

+ Сборка 388: исправлены "неправильные" иконки действий над сообщениями (в списке сообщений) на устройствах с Андроидом 4.*.

+ Сборка 389: исправлен неправильный (белый) цвет панели в окне выбора контактов.

+ Сборка 390: исправлено (редкое) отсутствие иконки "вложение" на цепочках сообщений.

+ Сборка 394: исправления в переводе на испанский.

+ Сборка 395: переводы.

+ Сборка 399: крохотные исправления / изменения в заголовках окон "списков сообщений"
« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 07:31:31 pm by Kostya Vasilyev, Aqua Mail »
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Version 1.10.0-384-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2017, 10:08:14 pm »
It's when linked images are blocked -- so a "generic" image shows instead.

Previously we used a real image - which was getting scaled to same exact size as the "real" image (which wasn't there). This looked ugly.

Now we use a deliberately invalid URL which makes WebView display a small "error" image and it's *not* scaled same as the "real" image is, looks much "cleaner".
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Re: Version 1.10.0-384-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2017, 10:10:26 pm »

+ New "placeholder" for blocked (linked) images.

Kostya, what's a placeholder for blocked images? Thank you
@Paris Geek
There was also a discussion about "images not shown in some messages" recently:;topicseen#msg34032


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Re: Version 1.10.0-384-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2017, 03:10:12 am »
Re: Fixes to message auto-fit

Can you biefly elaborate and/or point to thread(s) where this is being discussed?

Preliminary testing suggests this addresses the imbedded image mis-formatting I reported several months ago. In fairness I never submitted a sample email in the requested format so the dev team had nothing to work with at the time.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2017, 03:17:43 am by Davey126 »


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Re: Version 1.10.0-384-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2017, 02:57:50 pm »
Re: Fixes to message auto-fit

Can you biefly elaborate and/or point to thread(s) where this is being discussed?

Preliminary testing suggests this addresses the imbedded image mis-formatting I reported several months ago. In fairness I never submitted a sample email in the requested format so the dev team had nothing to work with at the time.

Hi, please look at the screenshot. This is one of the fixes: the message was not being displayed as expected, now it's correctly shown.
Thanks for sharing. Don't believe I have observed this anomaly but the 'fix' seems to have addressed my specific issue which yielded an incorrect aspect issue on imbedded downscaled images. In short, some images were vertically by not horizontally scalled in portrait orientation. Rotating to horizontal fixed the problem. With 384-dev images scale down correctly on the first attempt. Nice 😉.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Version 1.10.0-384-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2017, 03:20:15 pm »
the 'fix' seems to have addressed my specific issue which yielded an incorrect aspect issue on imbedded downscaled images.

There was one specific scenario where an image could get fitted to screen width, but if the message as a whole still didn't fit, it (the message) would get zoomed out, and so the image would be 1) fitted and 2) zoomed out -> become smaller than screen width.

Similar to the error in @Paris Geek's sample above, but with an image, not text.
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Re: Version 1.10.0-384-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2017, 03:39:53 pm »
the 'fix' seems to have addressed my specific issue which yielded an incorrect aspect issue on imbedded downscaled images.

There was one specific scenario where an image could get fitted to screen width, but if the message as a whole still didn't fit, it (the message) would get zoomed out, and so the image would be 1) fitted and 2) zoomed out -> become smaller than screen width.

Similar to the error in @Paris Geek's sample above, but with an image, not text.
Thanks. Unfortunately, further testing revealed the auto-fit scalling problem described above still exists in 384-dev. I understand addressing this particular scenerio was not part of the 384 solution space. Just reporting as FYI (and another indirect plug to restore text reflow option which proved handy when auto-fit is disabled).


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Re: Version 1.10.0-384-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2017, 07:12:03 pm »
I think you should bring back auto fit and wrap text features.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Version 1.10.0-384-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2017, 07:49:38 pm »
Re: Unfortunately, further testing revealed the auto-fit scalling problem described above still exists in 384-dev.

Could you send one of these messages as an .eml attachment (or original message source, also as an attachment) to support / at / aqua-mail / dot com?
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Re: Version 1.10.0-384-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2017, 07:54:02 pm »
Re: Unfortunately, further testing revealed the auto-fit scalling problem described above still exists in 384-dev.

Could you send one of these messages as an .eml attachment (or original message source, also as an attachment) to support / at / aqua-mail / dot com?
Assuming AquaMail can not natively generate an .eml so will need to snag with a Microsoft product. Unless there is another way to do it with a AM or a web client. Guessing 'show headers' export isn't sufficient.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Version 1.10.0-384-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2017, 07:57:33 pm »
Assuming AquaMail can not natively generate an .eml so will need to snag with a Microsoft product. Unless there is another way to do it with a AM or a web client. Guessing 'show headers' export isn't sufficient.

No "show headers" won't be enough.

Web mail should work - just look for "show original", "show message source", etc. In Gmail web mail is under the menu icon that's right next to the reply "arrow" icon (when you open a message).
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Re: Version 1.10.0-384-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2017, 08:01:17 pm »
Assuming AquaMail can not natively generate an .eml so will need to snag with a Microsoft product. Unless there is another way to do it with a AM or a web client. Guessing 'show headers' export isn't sufficient.

No "show headers" won't be enough.

Web mail should work - just look for "show original", "show message source", etc. In Gmail web mail is under the menu icon that's right next to the reply "arrow" icon (when you open a message).
Perfect - will get that over to support shortly.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Version 1.10.0-384-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2017, 08:56:15 pm »
Re: Perfect - will get that over to support shortly.

Got it. Will try to take a look later tonight.
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Version 1.10.0-387-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2017, 12:48:13 pm »
Re: Perfect - will get that over to support shortly.

@Davey126: please try build 387 above, your sample message now looks perfect (to me).
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Re: Version 1.10.0-387-dev - "work in progress", not in Google Play
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2017, 04:17:52 pm »
I use Aqua mail on a Galaxy S3 with Lineage OS 14.1 without problem.
In waiting my next new phone, I must give away the S3 and I'm forced to use an old Galaxy S1 with Lineage OS, an unofficial version with Android 4.4.4 (it's a modified version of CM11).
Installed the 384 and 387 version of Aqua mail.
All seems to work, but there is a notification about "Push mail" always visibile (it's not so on the S3).
I attach two screenshot.
Is there an option to hide this?