Author Topic: Aqua Mail causing battery drain on Nougat  (Read 3862 times)


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Aqua Mail causing battery drain on Nougat
« on: April 12, 2017, 05:19:51 pm »
The battery life on my Pixel XL running 7.1.1 had been great until I decided to use Aqua Mail for all of my email accounts. (I had, over the past couple of years, generally used either the Gmail, Yahoo, and/or Outlook email apps for some of my accounts, with the rest being in Aqua Mail). Ever since I started using Aqua Mail for all accounts, my battery life has dropped. Battery usage shows that Aqua Mail is routinely responsible for 10% of usage, with everything else generally at 1% or 2%.

I have 9 email accounts in the app. Three are IMAP (one Gmail, two Outlook). The other 6 are POP3, and 2 of them are set to check for mail every 5 minutes, with the remaining 4 set to the default of every 15 minutes. "Messages to sync" and "messages to cache" are set to their defaults of 50 and 10000 respectively. (I recall Kostya once saying that what had been called "messages to view" should be kept at their default for purposes of battery usage.)

For the life of me, I can't think of what I might be able to tweak to decrease Aqua Mail's battery usage. Any ideas?   

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Aqua Mail causing battery drain on Nougat
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2017, 05:48:39 pm »
Re: Aqua Mail is routinely responsible for 10% of usage, with everything else generally at 1% or 2%

Nine accounts - so about 1% per account? And then two of those are checked every 5 minutes, which does need to wake the device up.

The "messages to cache" at 10000 although not the default probably doesn't make battery usage higher.

One more thing:

On the battery details screen, please "tap into" Aqua Mail and check:

- The "total keep awake" time

- VS. the "total connect" time (aka "mobile radio active" time)

Is the former reasonable and the latter much higher?

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