Author Topic: Possibly to go back to version before update? (New update stinks)  (Read 45430 times)


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Hi, I believe yesterday or the day before a new update came out 1.8? All new fonts and style and so on.. Well I really don't like it.. First, when dark mode, I can barely tell the difference between read and unread msg's, its not much of a contrast.. Also, I HATE HATE HATE the fact that when in inbox, the delete icon is no longer at the bottom... Its up top, that is super annoying when going down inbox checking msg's to delete, to only have to uncomfortably reach all the way back to the top of phone to hit delete.. You did this once before years ago, and then wound up switching it back, or maybe I had found a way to switch back to bottom.. I don't remember.. (Also hate not having the compose icon on the bottom, sorry but the top is just an uncomfortable position)

So anyway, is there anyway for me to go back to the old look and feel that I loved, because there is no way that I can continue to use Aquamail with the current setup..

Thanks in advance for any help



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Re: Possibly to go back to version before update? (New update stinks)
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2017, 09:10:08 pm »
I agree with blass12, I too loved the old look and feel and am hoping for an option or setting to revert back to the previous look and feel!!!

No offence as I am sure a lot of hard work has gone into the redesign but .... for me .... if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Also, Paris Geek, can you provide details as to how you got those setting on the screenshots you provided?




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Re: Possibly to go back to version before update? (New update stinks)
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2017, 09:13:23 pm »
This is my view, everything on top, and it was not like this before the update yesterday

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


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Re: Possibly to go back to version before update? (New update stinks)
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2017, 09:26:34 pm »
Also, how do you get rid of the check boxes to the left of the emails??


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Re: Possibly to go back to version before update? (New update stinks)
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2017, 09:36:57 pm »
Thanks but I don't want anything to the left of the email - no contact images OR Check boxes... similar to the way I had it before the update


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Re: Possibly to go back to version before update? (New update stinks)
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2017, 10:05:22 pm »
I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT STAND THIS DESIGN!  It's god awful!   You know what?  Another developer pulled the same mess, recently and it immediately made me jump ship.  It was my favorite weather app I had been using for years and it took one email to them and a reply to realize they weren't going back.  What's the point of changing the app to a design that I'm not asking for changes to?  Don't force it on me.  This is the same crap Microsoft pulls with Windows.  Do you guys never learn?

Seriously, I just opened Aquamail after posting on a news site forum about a competitor about how great Aquamail was and was welcomed by this ugly styling and messed up inbox crap.  I couldn't even change it...thinking, "no bigge," I'll just change the theme from Light-Material back to Light...but nope.  I've got the same chicklet bullcrap I didn't want to see, my email address hangs over every email (as if I don't know who the recipient might be) and while I had already gone through the hassle of customizing my color scheme, in light mode it goes to black text against my custom dark-purple background.  WTF? 

Even if I can go into 10 settings and change it back, why the hell should I have to?  Make the default theme the way it was and let me take a look at the new theme and decide if I want it on.  Meanwhile, if I'm going to spend 15-20 min trying to determine how to get it back, my time is better spent typing this message.

Fix this or I'm done with all apps by you guys.  This is not OK.  I'll say the same thing about this I did to that other company.  I bought a product that is no longer the product I bought and, without my permission, is now as non-functional and misrepresented as it can be.

This immediately made me go back to the message forum on that news site and correct my recommendation.  It also made me go to Google Play and give this 1 star.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2017, 10:09:10 pm by robert »


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Re: Possibly to go back to version before update? (New update stinks)
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2017, 10:14:13 pm »
Screw it.  I'm already looking for a different app.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Possibly to go back to version before update? (New update stinks)
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2017, 11:09:27 pm »
The design of the "light" and the "dark" themes in 1.8 has been switched to "material design" from Android 5.0, previously it was based on "holo" from Android 4.

Material design is Google's new trend, and with user requests for "more material", including for those themes, and with about 60% of all Android devices now running Android 5.0 or higher -- it was time to do so.

Sorry you didn't like the new design. Perhaps you'd like K9 Mail, they're still in the early planning stages of doing a Material update (but they are planning to do it too).
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Re: Possibly to go back to version before update? (New update stinks)
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2017, 11:52:42 pm »
That's exactly the kind of response I expected...time to move on to a different vendor and never look back.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Possibly to go back to version before update? (New update stinks)
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2017, 12:26:18 am »
My apologies for trying to explain and to be helpful.
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Re: Possibly to go back to version before update? (New update stinks)
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2017, 12:30:02 am »

Ok, enable Floating action button and bar in Look and feel

Well that helped a "little" bit, at least it gives me some sort of task bar on the bottom, which has the trash icon... BUT to be honest, I never had the floating action button before, i purposely had unchecked it... Im not a fan of it, and I still had a task bar on the bottom of the screen which had the trash icon and the compose icon... With no floating action... Ive never used the floating action to compose an email...

Also, still a major issue, after i click compose, and I am actually composing an email, again the damn task bar is on top of the email, which has the "send" icon, "attach" icon, and menu (3 dots) icon... It was never on top before, I would compose an email, and then nice and easy on the bottom i could click send or attach, now i have to go all the way up top for it... Very uncomfortable, I dont understand the change?

I have to agree, while I am not gonna go nuts on the forum lol, the new setup/look as it is, just doesnt work.

So im guessing theres no way to just roll back pre update to what I loved...


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Re: Possibly to go back to version before update? (New update stinks)
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2017, 12:40:11 am »
Would anyone happen to know the color code for read and unread msg's in dark mode before this update were? Id like to try and get back to that?


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Re: Possibly to go back to version before update? (New update stinks)
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2017, 12:43:27 am »
My apologies for trying to explain and to be helpful.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Possibly to go back to version before update? (New update stinks)
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2017, 12:45:11 am »
Re: Would anyone happen to know the color code for read and unread msg's in dark mode before this update were? Id like to try and get back to that?

The "read" background was almost same as now: #323232 now, #303030 before.

The "unread" background was and is "transparent", with the window color showing through.

The window has changed: used to be pure black, now it's a very very very dark gray.

Bottom line, you will want to assign an "unread" background color too, and make it pure black.
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Possibly to go back to version before update? (New update stinks)
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2017, 12:48:01 am »
Also, still a major issue, after i click compose, and I am actually composing an email, again the damn task bar is on top of the email, which has the "send" icon, "attach" icon, and menu (3 dots) icon... It was never on top before, I would compose an email, and then nice and easy on the bottom i could click send or attach, now i have to go all the way up top for it... Very uncomfortable, I dont understand the change?

The "dark" and "light" themes in the app are now based on Android's Material themes (from Android 5.0+), before they were based on Holo (from Android 4.0).

Rationale: quite many users wanting to get the newer Material look in those two (dark and light) themes, not just in the Material theme.

Background: 60% of all Android devices out there are now running 5.0 and newer. The scales have tipped.

Consequence: icons along the bottom are no longer possible.


( the "reported by" there may look familiar )
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