Author Topic: regression in new UI - left checkbox cannot be hidden  (Read 5321 times)


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regression in new UI - left checkbox cannot be hidden
« on: February 15, 2017, 01:52:55 am »

I remenber this has been discussed a long time before when you made the selection checkbox to be always visible on the left side of each message in the message list view. At that time you took our request into account to allow us to hide it, but now in the new v1.8.0 it is back again and I can't see any option to hide it.

It eats a lot of space on the screen and I (at least) hardly ever use it. If I need to select messages then I'm happy to long-press -- I really don't want to see checkboxes everywhere that occupy so much space on the screen.

Please add an option to hide them (or just hide them and replace with long press).

Keep up the good work. I'm still a happy customer.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: regression in new UI - left checkbox cannot be hidden
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2017, 10:48:05 pm »
Re:  At that time you took our request into account to allow us to hide it

Not to my knowledge :)

The app always worked as follows: if the user turns off contact images, then there was "something" instead so it was still possible to select individual messages.

Prior to 1.8, this "something" was a checkmark. Now it's a checkbox.

So yes it's somewhat different now, but the principle is exactly same as before.
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Kostya Vasilyev

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