OK, I can't quite put it all together in my head right now...
Okay, I will try to start afresh and explain everything more clearly :-) Even after this:
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Here is what I want to get:
- Messages in the message list must be ordered from older to recent, with older messages on top and recent messages on bottom of the list.
- Messages in "viewer" must be ordered from older to recent, with older messages remaining on "the left" and recent messages waiting on "the right". Thus, when I am switching to the next message (switching here is moving an e-mail text from right to left by my finger), I get text of more recent message loaded into the viewer.
To make the first item work I use the option ``Settings / Message list / Default sort order'' set to ``By date/time (reverse)''. To view messages in an expanded conversation in the same order I use the option ``Settings / Conversations / Reverse when expanded''. Okay, I've got everything I want here. I showed this in the ``message_list_ok.png'' attached file.
My problem appears when I try to set up behavior describing in the second item. I have the option ``Settings / Message view / Previous message is older'' turned
off. Now, if I:
a. Navigate over "single" messages, i.e. messages having no conversations, there's no problem. If one takes a look onto the ``message_list_ok.png'' attachment, these are the first and the second messages on the top (``Help diagnose my Ryzen build problem'' and ``Issue probably with `top` and Uncompressed ARC display''). If I open the first message (``Help diagnose my Ryzen build problem'') and then "shift" the message to the left with my finger, I get the second message (``Issue probably with `top` and Uncompressed ARC display'') inside the viewer. Therefore, everything is just what I want. This process is shown on the ``no_conversation_message_view_ok.png'' attached file. The arrow on the picture shows changes direction, not the swipe direction.
b. Go from a "single" message to a message in the next conversation (conversation having a message which is more recent than the current message), or go from the last message in a conversation to a message in the next conversation. In this case I jump to the most recent message in the next conversation. For the ``message_list_ok.png'' file, if I have viewed ``Issue probably with `top` and Uncompressed ARC display'' message and then swipe viewer to the left, I get ``Re: drm / drm2 removal in 12'' message written at 5:14 PM (see ``to_conversation_message_view_ok.png'' attachment; by the way, the message on the right, written at 5:14 PM, erroneously has no ``Re: '' prefix; it's not the first message in the conversation definitely; sorry for bad sample). It does not matter what date/time the last-viewed message has -- I always jump to the most recent (the last) message in the next conversation (to the message whose date/time conversation header is showing). That's fine, that adds some determinism, thus I will not fall into the middle of the conversation after I viewed message from another conversation.
c. Browse messages withing a conversation. In the case (b) above I jumped to the most recent message in the ``drm / drm2 removal in 12'' conversation. Because the case (b) has ended on the most recent message in the conversation, the previous message in the conversation must be on the left from the current message (because messages in conversation are ordered from the older ones to recent). But if I shift now the viewer to the right (switching to message on the left) I get ``Issue probably with `top` and Uncompressed ARC display'' message again. The message which is previous to the ``5:14 PM message'' is on the right, therefore to view the previous message, I have to swipe to the left.
Therefore, in the case (c) I want to revert program behavior: swiping message to the right must show more older message in the conversation. Of course, the current behavior is also a "determinism": for example, if I change "single" message in the viewer to a message within conversation (case (b)) swiping screen from right to left, I may be sure that swiping screen back from left to right will return the "single" message back, and not show a "new" message from the conversation.
Thus, I believe my issue can't be fixed by design.