Author Topic: How to select a browser when launching an URL from within Aquamail?  (Read 9277 times)


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Maybe it has been asked before, vainly search for an existing thread.

Question: How to select a browser when launching an URL from within Aquamail?


I am using Dolphin as default browser and Roboform for Android as password manager.

When clicking on a link within the body of an email

either Dolphin is launched
or  Roboform for Android browser

For some sites (like forums) the Roboform browser is the right one to use.
For other sites, however, Dolphin should be used.

However, AFAIK, there is no way to select -which- browser should be used just before the actual URL launch.
I mean, after clicking on the URL, Aquamail asking which browser to use.

Point is: in case I set Dolphin as default browser and in case I need to log in, into a forum,
then I need to launch Roboform for Android, go to the site, login, go to forum section,
search and go to the thread .... i.e. tap-tap-tap-tap...

My wish is that Aqua mail
1. asks which browser to use, when clicking on an URL within the body
2. add an option to 'Save' the URL so I don't need to select the browser next time
3. add an feature to edit the list of URLs (in case I would like to reset it,
or re-assign the browser to a specific URL)

Forgive me: I am not an expert, so I have no idea whether this is possible at all...



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Re: How to select a browser when launching an URL from within Aquamail?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2017, 03:30:42 am »
Aquamail itself does not do any app (browser) management.
Which browser would be used usually depends on what is the default app chosen at the system (Android) level. (At least that's the case with the standard Android phones; the situation could be different with some launchers - I don't know.)
If you go to the system settings -> apps -> [browser that was called by default] and look at the section "Launch by default". If you press on "Clear defaults", then the next time you'll have a choice of browsers. Use "This time only", and then you'll be offered to choose the browser every time you are launching a link from any app (not just from Aquamail).

Additionally, you might be able to use some apps that help choosing default apps for different actions. And presumably, even for different types of links, see e.g. here:
(I haven't used that app, so, I have no idea if it is good or not. I am guessing there are a few apps like that.)
But again, that will be configured system-wide.


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Re: How to select a browser when launching an URL from within Aquamail?
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2017, 12:58:37 pm »
Aquamail itself does not do any app (browser) management.
Which browser would be used usually depends on what is the default app chosen at the system (Android) level. (At least that's the case with the standard Android phones; the situation could be different with some launchers - I don't know.)
If you go to the system settings -> apps -> [browser that was called by default] and look at the section "Launch by default". If you press on "Clear defaults", then the next time you'll have a choice of browsers. Use "This time only", and then you'll be offered to choose the browser every time you are launching a link from any app (not just from Aquamail).

Additionally, you might be able to use some apps that help choosing default apps for different actions. And presumably, even for different types of links, see e.g. here:
(I haven't used that app, so, I have no idea if it is good or not. I am guessing there are a few apps like that.)
But again, that will be configured system-wide.

Thank you!

When I go to Settings->Applications, select Default Applications -> Browser I can change the browser alright.
There is no 'Clear Defaults' though.

Anyway, I have changed it to Dolphin, which is now 'system wide'.

I'll checkout the 'Better Open With' app.

Thanks again for the tip!



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Re: How to select a browser when launching an URL from within Aquamail?
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2017, 03:39:35 pm »
Aquamail itself does not do any app (browser) management.
Which browser would be used usually depends on what is the default app chosen at the system (Android) level. (At least that's the case with the standard Android phones; the situation could be different with some launchers - I don't know.)
If you go to the system settings -> apps -> [browser that was called by default] and look at the section "Launch by default". If you press on "Clear defaults", then the next time you'll have a choice of browsers. Use "This time only", and then you'll be offered to choose the browser every time you are launching a link from any app (not just from Aquamail).

thanks for this info, i will use
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Re: How to select a browser when launching an URL from within Aquamail?
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2017, 02:08:36 pm »

Just an update.

Thanks for sharing the makeuseof link. It led me to the Better Open With app.

When using that instead of the default browser, when clicking on a link within an email, a pop-up shows up (for 5 seconds) where you can decide which browser to use.
(Android Settings->Browsers->Select Better Open With)

For non-forum sites, you can choose the standard browser (in my case Dolphin), which BTW is also launched when simply doing nothing, i.e. just wait until the end of the 5 seconds,
for forum-sites, select the password manager browser (in my case Roboform for Android).

Works fine and is a solution for an issue that I have had for a while and for which I could not find a solution within the standard available stuff on my tablet.
