Thanks. Exchange push device id:
Thank you.
Our server actually is receiving events from your Exchange server, and then routes them to Aqua Mail on the device, over Google Cloud Messaging.
( so I was wrong with my guess about the underlying reason )
This is very interesting. Most recent event was received just a few minutes ago.
There are new messages, messages being moved between folders, etc (I'll mention again that all that's there is abstract message and folder hashes, nothing more).
Please enable debug logging, with "raw session data" as described in my signature below (link), re-enable all three push options, and collect a log over say 2-3 hours.
Over this time, please make it so that there are actual changes (new messages, changes of read/unread state, etc), maybe make some changes like that 3-10 minutes after you start the log.
Then send the log file to support / at / aqua-mail / dot com please.