Just exactly WHAT stuff are being tracked? I want to know because on Reddit, I saw a post saying that TrueApp and such sister apps track your browsing and download log information..
I don't really know what the tracking stuff that's gone into AquaMail is but, as far as I can tell from the earlier comments, it's more about usage rather than personal details etc.
TypeApp and Blue Mail, on the other hand, work in a different way to how Aqua Mail currently works. Where Aqua Mail connects directly to your mail service's servers and pulls the mail in directly from there so, if you have 4 or 5 account say, Aqua Mail will connect to each one in turn and so on. TypeApp and Blue Mail, as I understand it, communicate only with the TypeApp/Blue Mail servers and pass the information they need to pull your email from the 'real' servers. Your email therefore passes through, and may be stored by TypeApp/Blue Mail's service which can pull out all sorts of information and use it for their own ends, including selling whatever they want to 3rd parties.
This is why TypeApp/Blue Mail can afford to provide what appears to be a very good email app whereas Kostya's been trying to work within a business model where customers pay once and expect support, updates, and the right to use the app on whatever Android devices they feel like without having to pay any extra. This is a dreadful business model from a developer's point of view, and is actually pretty crap for customers as well because almost all apps that are in that position have, or are going to, come to the point that Kostya's reached where they either sell out to a company with a more sustainable business model, or just abandon the app altogether.
This is something I briefly discussed with Kostya a little while ago when I decided that Aqua Mail was valuable enough to me that I wanted to make an additional contribution over and above the initial license fee. In the end, I just bought a 2nd license but, obviously, that was a small contribution and not enough to prevent Kostya from having to look at alternative options.
Unfortunately, in this case, Kostya's chosen to go with MobiSystems who're actually pretty nasty to customers; offering seriously crippled 'free' versions of their apps and nagging people to pay for stuff they often don't need, and forcing app icons onto people's home screens, and accepting payment for 'premium' versions of their apps that STILL don't provide all the functionality in the app without extra payment!
This causes me a real dilemma; while Kostya's still involved with Aqua Mail I feel like it's risking his livelihood to suggest you use something else but, perhaps (hopefully), the deal's good enough for him not to care too much. Personally though, I'm seriously looking at returning to K-9 Mail. There was probably a good reason I moved away from K-9 when I did a few years ago; I think it might have been to do with issues related to dealing with POP3 mail (there was some funny with the way the database was handled in relation to marking messages as read or something), but I don't use POP3 any more so I don't need to worry about that any more. K-9 uses one of the other business models; it's free because it's open-source so, first of all, you can be absolutely sure (if you have the knowledge) of what is and isn't being sent to 3rd parties and, as a software developer myself it means that, if there's something I don't like about the app, I can put some effort into making it better.
Hope this helps