Hi Paris,
I agree to your points. Especially concerning money and policy.
Your "Third reason" I do not see as a point, because using AM as my centre, I would not use anything else. In some very rare ocassions, I would setup a point on provider´s side, but nothing else. When doing so, I would find a more or less identic situation there.
Leaves me with the other reasons, which seem to force, that spaming is a feature, to be handled on providers side.
What I do not quite come along with, is, that blocking adresses is useless. Maybe in a lot of cases, but, by far, not in all cases. Giving the possibility, to block adresses, would at least reduce spams by some amount, and users would, at least, have the chance to manually edit the block-list, and to do something about it. In my opinion it is very disturbing, to have to login, every time, on providers pages and edit there. Maybe "blocking adresses" could be something, which the author could establish with reasonable amout of energy/money? Ok, that not really is spam-filtering, but could be some kind of useful mean for a user?
Thanks for the discussion