Author Topic: Spam filter absent - Please do convince me, why !  (Read 4229 times)


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Spam filter absent - Please do convince me, why !
« on: October 18, 2016, 06:55:42 pm »
Hi there,
I understood, there is no spam-filter-feature in AquaMail. And I understood, that AM is meant to be a portable solution, and spam-filter-thing should be handled on the basis.
But I DO think AM, being the centre of all my accounts, should handle spam, meaning it should handle incoming messages.
Since I changed to AM several weeks ago, I am absolutely convinced, that AM is, what I always was looking for. This also means, I almost never open any provider-pages, to do anything there.
As AM does not know any spam-filtering, I would have to go to several provider-pages to create spam-filters there, and to make changes everywhere, over and over again.
My opinion is, that if I have a center, things should be done THERE, and nowhere else.
What are the main points on not creating any spam-filtering?
Thanks for your patience.


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Re: Spam filter absent - Please do convince me, why !
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2016, 07:48:05 pm »
I can add to what Paris Geek wrote from the point of view of also a user, but also a person who manages a mail server.
Spam filtering is a task in its own, and it is not a simple one. For anybody who has faced this task, it is clear that it has to be done at the mail server (or even at a dedicated mail-gateway). And it is no a one-time set-up and it's working. Rather, it requires a constant attention that includes maintenance etc. The exception is if you buy an appliance (such as IronPort) with a paid subscription, or outsource it to someone else, in which case you'd have to pay for that service.
And I wouldn't expect or even want that the mail client developer(s) would be actively filtering/analyzing my messages.

Even desktop mail clients don't do spam detection (e.g. Thunderbird).


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Re: Spam filter absent - Please do convince me, why !
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2016, 08:00:58 pm »
Hi Paris,
I agree to your points. Especially concerning money and policy.
Your "Third reason" I do not see as a point, because using AM as my centre, I would not use anything else. In some very rare ocassions, I would setup a point on provider´s side, but nothing else. When doing so, I would find a more or less identic situation there.
Leaves me with the other reasons, which seem to force, that spaming is a feature, to be handled on providers side.
What I do not quite come along with, is, that blocking adresses is useless. Maybe in a lot of cases, but, by far, not in all cases. Giving the possibility, to block adresses, would at least reduce spams by some amount, and users would, at least, have the chance to manually edit the block-list, and to do something about it. In my opinion it is very disturbing, to have to login, every time, on providers pages and edit there. Maybe "blocking adresses" could be something, which the author could establish with reasonable amout of energy/money? Ok, that not really is spam-filtering, but could be some kind of useful mean for a user?
Thanks for the discussion