Author Topic: Aqua-mail is awesome! But with one flow - real Material design  (Read 5291 times)


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Aqua-mail is awesome! But with one flow - real Material design
« on: October 03, 2016, 09:58:49 pm »

Thanks for the great email client (probably the best on Android). I love the features and speed of Aqua-mail. But one thing bothers me - the design.

Is there a plan to do a real Material design in the future? This one is a mixture of Material and Holo, and the other clients are much prettier than Aqua Mail, but they lack Aqua Mail options.


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Re: Aqua-mail is awesome! But with one flow - real Material design
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2016, 03:06:50 am »

Thanks for the great email client (probably the best on Android). I love the features and speed of Aqua-mail. But one thing bothers me - the design.

Is there a plan to do a real Material design in the future? This one is a mixture of Material and Holo, and the other clients are much prettier than Aqua Mail, but they lack Aqua Mail options.
Oy - yes, the developer should spend limited time/resource on superfluous vanity vs functionality. Please - enjoy that "prettier" client if it works for you.


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Re: Aqua-mail is awesome! But with one flow - real Material design
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2016, 06:08:03 pm »

Thanks for the great email client (probably the best on Android). I love the features and speed of Aqua-mail. But one thing bothers me - the design.

Is there a plan to do a real Material design in the future? This one is a mixture of Material and Holo, and the other clients are much prettier than Aqua Mail, but they lack Aqua Mail options.
Oy - yes, the developer should spend limited time/resource on superfluous vanity vs functionality. Please - enjoy that "prettier" client if it works for you.

The developer has spent lots of time on Material Design. It's not "superfluous vanity", it's really functional and adds value to the app. I tested with him so many aspects so I know that Material Design is correctly brilliantly implemented in AquaMail (of course when you select the Clear Material Design in the settings, it's here by default) - that's why I answered the OP.
So I'll attempt to clarify:
- the Material Design elements that are present (and there are many) are well considered and implemented IMHO
- developer continues to tweak the UI w.r.t. to Material Design elements as evidenced by release notes
- is everything 100% Material Design complaint (not even sure how you define that); this is a mature application with an extensive existing code and user base to consider
- "superfluous vanity" may have been a bit harsh (choice of wording was not intended to be disrespectful as plenty of hard work has gone on in this area) but I will take functionality over appearance in a productivity tool unless the later significantly interferes with the former
- OP could make the same claim regarding word choice; I happen to disagree with his characterization of AM and responded with my views

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Aqua-mail is awesome! But with one flow - real Material design
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2016, 12:39:06 am »
I'm always interested in improving the design, and fairly recently updated all icons to the new material style, and continue to tweak it as time goes on.

That being said, yes, there are places where some of the -- what I feel -- "smaller" things are not completely up to spec.

- The navigation drawer is supposed to slide out *on top of* the phone's status bar

- Margins / paddings / font sizes may not always be "spot on"

- In general, I feel it's more common (and maybe "more material") to use more padding everywhere than AquaMail does, that coveted "clean" look, but then I'm not sure if reducing the amount of visible information is always a good tradeoff.

Please note that there are -- very pretty -- apps out there that seem be more "iPhone style" than "material design" style really.
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Re: Aqua-mail is awesome! But with one flow - real Material design
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2016, 04:02:50 am »
- The navigation drawer is supposed to slide out *on top of* the phone's status bar
- In general, I feel it's more common (and maybe "more material") to use more padding everywhere than AquaMail does, that coveted "clean" look, but then I'm not sure if reducing the amount of visible information is always a good tradeoff.

Thank you for that. More specifically: Thank you for being thoughtful and creative as opposed to thoughtlessly following some fad.


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Re: Aqua-mail is awesome! But with one flow - real Material design
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2016, 11:24:39 am »
Thank you for that. More specifically: Thank you for being thoughtful and creative as opposed to thoughtlessly following some fad.