If I may, - in the past 2-3 months, many questions were asked where two big issues may play the role:
A. Push being enabled in all 3 places (it was IMAP push before, now Exchange push as well).
B. Battery optimizations from all three sources ((i)Android Doze, (ii)OEMs, (iii)3rd party apps).
I know that the FAQ has: (A) How do I enable IMAP Push ? and (B) Persistent network errors or the app not checking mail, MIUI, Huawei.
With respect to (A), - may I suggest to extend this description to IMAP Push? (And I understand if you want to wait until it goes into the "mainstream" "Release" branch.
Also, maybe you can consider rephrasing slightly the existing Answer, so that it is explicitly and unambiguously that Push must be enabled in 3 places.
At present, it says so, but through listing and describing all three places. And some people tend to skip/miss one of them.
If I were doing that, I'd just add a "summary" sentence at the very beginning of it: "Push must be enabled (configured) in 3 places: (1) for the entire app, (2) for the specific account, and (3) for the specific folder(s)." And then, I'd add the corresponding numbers at the beginning of each paragraph (1-3).
With respect to (B), battery optimization Answer:
It covers primarily MIUI and Huawei's (so it is a part of B(ii)).
Somewhere in the middle, it has a sentence:
"Even if your phone is not a Xiaomi with MIUI, if you get “persistent network errors” or the app isn’t checking mail, it could be caused by same type of “battery optimizer” (an app or something built-in) which blocks the app’s access to the network when it’s in the background."
But it is buried in the middle, and if people have, say, Samsung (or who else does that?) - they might not open the Q/A.
And the issue of B(i) Doze and B(iii) are not covered in the FAQ.
So, I'd suggest (sorry for repeating it, - I mentioned that a few weeks ago, not sure if you've seen it between your absences):
(a) Add the description for B(i) and (iii)
(b) Expand on B(ii), by adding mentions of other OEMs if you know, - and adding something like "and other manufacturers" in the item headline ("Question")
(c) Have an "umbrella" Q/A for all three of them. The logic is that when people do trouble-shooting they find: "If messages don't sync (push or scheduled sync), it might be due to battery optimization that could be happening at 3 different levels: (i), (ii), (iii)... See the recommendations on how to deal with each of them in the subsequent three answers ..."
(My text is just a rough sketch, - you need to edit it.)
I believe these changes would (1) help those users who do read FAQ, and (2) would help other forum members (like mikeone, Paris Geek and myself) and yourself to help those who write in this forum, - by just referring to the existing answer, thus avoiding the need to formulate it every time again.
Thanks for your consideration.