Author Topic: Contacts  (Read 3888 times)


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« on: August 13, 2016, 06:21:37 am »
Saw in some earlier posts that contacts are being worked on by Kostya.

Would these give access to all the contact fields on O365? As a contrast,  the Samsung Activesync client (for some reason) only gives access to the birthday field, not the anniversary field. Etc etc.

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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Contacts
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2016, 04:44:21 pm »
I'm not working on Contacts *right now*, I'm working on push mail for Exchange.

But yes, I'm aware that a "real" Contact "sync" is very much needed by a good number of users, and plan to work on that.

Hopefully right after the "push mail for Exchange feature" is fully done and released to everyone.

I don't plan to impose any artificial limits on what data is synced... but can't say I understand right now what "the anniversary" field is, and whether it's supported by both Exchange and Android. Hopefully I will once I actually start working on that.
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Re: Contacts
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2016, 04:50:37 am »
Thanks and really look forward to that.

For some reason, contact sync with exchange and O365 is quite limited across almost all apps.

To clarify on that field business, the contact fields in Exchange (like birthday dates,  anniversary dates, manager name, spouse name, child name etc.) are all available in Outlook desktop, but android clients seem to pick and choose which fields are available.

So the Samsung contacts app allows you to add a contacts spouse and anniversary date if the contact  is in a Gmail account,  but not if it is in Exchange. Even though the same information is available in both servers.

It's clearly not an android restriction as Nine, and a couple of other OEM activesync  exchange clients let you add it.

All very odd. Might be because they all seem to use activesync, and EWS may allow a better approach?

Will be great to have an Aquamail quality solution.

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