I don't have experience with tasker, but from the mail point of view, in the "From:" field there are only two tokens: the name portion (in the quotation marks or can be without those if only letters are used) and the address (within <>, or without if there is no name portion). Since the name can have any number of words (probably with some character limit), it does not separate into First, Middle, Last, or several last or middle names (as e.g. in case of people of Spanish or Arabic descent).
So, I am not aware of any mail program that parses name into tokens. (Actually, if I remember correctly, pine might be trying to save the contact names in the form "Last; First And The Rest", which sometimes happens to be weird when it is not the actual name, but includes a company name or some other information. So, pine parses the very last token of the name portion as the Last Name.)
Because of the uncertainty about the actual content of the "name" portion of the From: field, I don't think it would be practical for Aquamail to perform parsing. But that's just my personal opinion. I am not speaking for Kostya.
I cannot speak for tasker and other parsers. They might be able to do what you want.