Author Topic: Notification shows "x numbers of unread messages" but not actual new message?  (Read 9708 times)


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I have a bunch of unread messages in my inbox. When a new message comes in, AquaMail (via IMAP Push) notifies me that I have "x numbers of unread messages". Kaiten/K9 would tell me the subject/sender of that message. Am I doing something wrong?

Kostya Vasilyev

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No, you're not doing anything wrong.

I did something wrong -- based the notification system around the unread count, not realizing how many users keep their old messages unread.
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I had just registered to try to search for an answer to this as well.

So...... will this be getting change sometime soon? I am demoing your product before purchasing a pro key for it, and this is something that is slightly annoying for the way that I would be using it :)

Kostya Vasilyev

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Not in the near future, sorry. But this is one of those "would like to implement" things.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2012, 03:09:15 am by Kostya Vasilyev, Aqua Mail »
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

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