Author Topic: Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings  (Read 23953 times)

Kostya Vasilyev

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Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings
« on: May 10, 2016, 12:36:42 am »
I've just implemented OAUTH2 for Hotmail (previously only for Gmail).

Some strings had to be changed (eight) to remove mentions of Google and Gmail (replaced by neutral "OAUTH2"). One new string.

I'll be posting them below, with current ones (which still are Gmail / Google specific).

Please post your translations in the respective language-specific topics, and post any questions here.

The ones under "not present in base" are the "old" strings (IDs as well as text), which mention Gmail / Google.

It should be easy to convert those "old" strings to the needed "new" ones by removing Gmail / Google, making them more generic.

PS - account_setup_oauth_force_web_login is for another feature added recently, it means "do not use Google Play Services" even for Gmail accounts which exist in the device's system settings, this will ask the user to log into the account in a popup window (not necessary when using Google Play Services).
« Last Edit: November 19, 2016, 12:34:43 am by Kostya Vasilyev, Aqua Mail »
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2016, 12:39:28 am »

*** de: Missing transations: 9

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title">Please log in</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title_arg">Please log into %s</string>
<string name="account_type_label_hotmail">Hotmail or</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_oauth2">Stronger security (OAUTH2). The app will not know, store, or transmit the password.</string>
<string name="oauth_auth_progress">Authenticating…</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_notice">This account can be upgraded to stronger security (OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_confirm_message">The latest security standard, OAUTH2, is a way for the app to access your
mailbox without knowing, storing, or transmitting the password</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_loading">Loading the login page…</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_error_invalid_data">The login (OAUTH2) server returned something strange…</string>

*** de: Not present in base (redundant): 8

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title">Bitte melden Sie sich bei einem Gmail- oder Google Apps-Konto an.</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title_arg">Bitte melden Sie sich an bei %s</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_gmail">AquaMail wird die von Google empfohlene Authentifizierung
mit \"hohem Sicherheitsstandard\" nutzen und das Passwort dieses Kontos nicht sehen,  speichern oder übertragen. </string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_auth_progress"> Authentifizierung über Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_notice">Dieses Google Mail-Konto kann aufgerüstet werden, um Googles neuesten Sicherheitsstandard (OAUTH2) zu nutzen.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_confirm_message">Google\'s neuester Sicherheitsstandard, OAUTH2, ermöglicht AquaMail, sich mit Ihrem E-Mail
Konto zu verbinden ohne Ihr Passwort zu kennen, zu speichern oder zu übertragen.\n\nDie App wird Ihre Authentifizierung über den
Google-Account-Service anfordern.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_web_view_loading">Google Authentifizierungsseite wird geladen…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_error_invalid_data">Google\'s OAUTH2 Server gibt eine seltsame Rückmeldung …</string>
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2016, 12:40:17 am »

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title">Please log in</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title_arg">Please log into %s</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>
<string name="account_type_label_hotmail">Hotmail or</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_oauth2">Stronger security (OAUTH2). The app will not know, store, or transmit the password.</string>
<string name="oauth_auth_progress">Authenticating…</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_notice">This account can be upgraded to stronger security (OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_confirm_message">The latest security standard, OAUTH2, is a way for the app to access your
mailbox without knowing, storing, or transmitting the password</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_loading">Loading the login page…</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_error_invalid_data">The login (OAUTH2) server returned something strange…</string>

<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title">Zaloguj się do konta Gmail lub Aplikacje Google</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title_arg">Zaloguj się do %s</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_gmail">AquaMail może używać rekomendowanej przez Google bezpieczniejszej metody
autoryzacji (nie będzie widział, pamiętał ani przesyłał hasła do konta.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_auth_progress">Trwa autoryzacja Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_notice">To konto Gmail może być zaktualizowane w celu używania najnowszych standardów bezpieczeństwa Google (OAUTH2).</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_confirm_message">Najnowszy standard bezpieczeństwa, OAUTH2, to sposób dla AquaMail na dostęp do Twojej
skrzynki pocztowej bez dostępu do hasła.\n\nAplikacja poprosi o Twoje zezwolenie na autoryzację przy pomocy usług konta Google.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_web_view_loading">Trwa ładowanie strony autoryzacji Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_error_invalid_data">Serwer autoryzacji Google OAUTH2 zwrócił coś dziwnego…</string>
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Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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Re: Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2016, 12:40:52 am »

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title">Please log in</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title_arg">Please log into %s</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>
<string name="account_type_label_hotmail">Hotmail or</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_oauth2">Stronger security (OAUTH2). The app will not know, store, or transmit the password.</string>
<string name="oauth_auth_progress">Authenticating…</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_notice">This account can be upgraded to stronger security (OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_confirm_message">The latest security standard, OAUTH2, is a way for the app to access your
mailbox without knowing, storing, or transmitting the password</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_loading">Loading the login page…</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_error_invalid_data">The login (OAUTH2) server returned something strange…</string>

*** cs: Not present in base (redundant): 8

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title">Prosím, přihlaste se do účtu Gmail nebo Google Apps</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title_arg">Přihlaste se prosím do %s</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_gmail">Použijte \"vyšší úroveň ochrany\" na doporučení Google. AquaMail
nezobrazuje a nebude ukládat hesla účtu.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_auth_progress">Ověřování s Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_notice">"Tento účet Gmail může být převeden pro zlepšení bezpečnostních norem (OAUTH2), na základě doporučení Google."</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_confirm_message">Nejnovější standard pro zabezpečení od společnosti Google, OAUTH2,
umožňuje AquaMail práci s poštou a nezobrazuje, neukládá a neposílá heslo. Program bude žádat o povolení pro práci s
e-mailovými službami prostřednictvím Google. Můžete převést tento účet právě nyní, později, nebo nepřevádět.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_web_view_loading">"Nahrávám ověření přes Google…"</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_error_invalid_data">"Google OAUTH2 povolení server vrátil cosi nesrozumitelného…"</string>
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Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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Re: Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2016, 12:42:35 am »

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title">Please log in</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title_arg">Please log into %s</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>
<string name="account_type_label_hotmail">Hotmail or</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_oauth2">Stronger security (OAUTH2). The app will not know, store, or transmit the password.</string>
<string name="oauth_auth_progress">Authenticating…</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_notice">This account can be upgraded to stronger security (OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_confirm_message">The latest security standard, OAUTH2, is a way for the app to access your
mailbox without knowing, storing, or transmitting the password</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_loading">Loading the login page…</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_error_invalid_data">The login (OAUTH2) server returned something strange…</string>

<!-- strings.xml -->

<string name="account_type_summary_gmail">AquaMail bude používať \"bezpečnejšie\" overovanie odporúčané spoločnosťou Google
a nebude vidieť, ukladať alebo prenášať heslo k účtu.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_auth_progress">Overovanie pomocou Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_notice">Tento účet Gmail možete aktualizovať pre používanie najnovších bezpečnostných noriem spoločnosti Google (OAUTH2).</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_confirm_message">Najnovšia bezpečnostná norma spoločnosti Google, OAUTH2, je spôsob,
akým AquaMail pristupuje k poštovej schránke bez toho, aby vedel, ukladal alebo prenášal heslo.\n\nAplikácia požiada o váš
súhlas na overenie pomocou služieb účtu Google.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_web_view_loading">Načítavanie stránky pre overenie cez Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_error_invalid_data">OAUTH2 server spoločnosti Google vrátil niečo divné…</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title">Prosím, prihláste sa do účtu Gmail alebo Google Apps</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title_arg">Prosím, prihláste sa do %s</string>
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2016, 12:44:42 am »

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title">Please log in</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title_arg">Please log into %s</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>
<string name="account_type_label_hotmail">Hotmail or</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_oauth2">Stronger security (OAUTH2). The app will not know, store, or transmit the password.</string>
<string name="oauth_auth_progress">Authenticating…</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_notice">This account can be upgraded to stronger security (OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_confirm_message">The latest security standard, OAUTH2, is a way for the app to access your
mailbox without knowing, storing, or transmitting the password</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_loading">Loading the login page…</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_error_invalid_data">The login (OAUTH2) server returned something strange…</string>

*** uk: Not present in base (redundant): 8

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title">Будь ласка увійдіть в Gmail або Google Apps</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title_arg">Авторизування в %s</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_gmail">Використовує \"покращений рівень захисту\" за рекомендаціями Google. AquaMail не буде ані бачити
ані зберігати пароль скриньки.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_auth_progress">Авторизування через Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_notice">Цю скриньку Gmail можна перевести на покращений стандарт безпеки (OAUTH2), за рекомендаціями Google.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_confirm_message">Новітній стандарт безпеки Google, OAUTH2, дозволяє AquaMail працювати з поштою, та
не бачити, не зберігати і не передавати пароль.\n\nПрограма запитає дозвіл на роботу з поштою через сервіси Google.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_web_view_loading">Завантаження авторизування через Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_error_invalid_data">Сервер авторизування Google OAUTH2 відповів щось незрозуміле…</string>
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Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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Re: Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2016, 12:45:13 am »

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title">Please log in</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title_arg">Please log into %s</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>
<string name="account_type_label_hotmail">Hotmail or</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_oauth2">Stronger security (OAUTH2). The app will not know, store, or transmit the password.</string>
<string name="oauth_auth_progress">Authenticating…</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_notice">This account can be upgraded to stronger security (OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_confirm_message">The latest security standard, OAUTH2, is a way for the app to access your
mailbox without knowing, storing, or transmitting the password</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_loading">Loading the login page…</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_error_invalid_data">The login (OAUTH2) server returned something strange…</string>

*** pt: Not present in base (redundant): 8

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title">Por favor faça login numa conta do Gmail ou de Aplicações do Google</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title_arg">Por favor efectue login em %s</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_gmail">O AquaMail irá usar a autenticação do Google recomendada \"mais segura\", e não
inspeccionará, armazenará, ou transmitirá a passord da sua conta.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_auth_progress">A autenticar com o Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_notice">Esta conta do Gmail pode ser actualizada para utilizar o último standard de segurança do Google (OAUTH2).</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_confirm_message">O último standard de segurança do Google, OAUTH2, é uma forma do AquaMail
aceder à sua caixa de entrada sem saber, armazenar ou transmitir a password.\n\nA aplicação perguntará pelas permissões de
acesso do seu e-mail através dos serviços de conta do Google.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_web_view_loading">A carregar a página de login do Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_error_invalid_data">O servidor do Google OAUTH2 retornou algo estranho…</string>
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Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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Re: Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2016, 12:45:42 am »

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title">Please log in</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title_arg">Please log into %s</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>
<string name="account_type_label_hotmail">Hotmail or</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_oauth2">Stronger security (OAUTH2). The app will not know, store, or transmit the password.</string>
<string name="oauth_auth_progress">Authenticating…</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_notice">This account can be upgraded to stronger security (OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_confirm_message">The latest security standard, OAUTH2, is a way for the app to access your
mailbox without knowing, storing, or transmitting the password</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_loading">Loading the login page…</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_error_invalid_data">The login (OAUTH2) server returned something strange…</string>

*** pt-rBR: Not present in base (redundant): 8

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title">Por favor, faça login em uma conta do Gmail ou do Google Apps</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title_arg">Por favor, faça login %s</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_gmail">AquaMail vai usar sua conta do Google, aceite a autenticação \"mais seguro\", nós não
vamos ver, armazenar ou transmitir a senha de sua conta.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_auth_progress">Autenticando com o Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_notice">Esta conta Gmail pode ser atualizada para usar o padrão de segurança mais recente do Google (OAUTH2).</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_confirm_message">Padrão de segurança mais recente do Google, OAUTH2, é uma maneira do AquaMail acessar sua caixa postal sem saber, armazenar ou transmitir sua senha. \n\nO aplicativo irá pedir permissão para acessar seus e-mails através dos serviços da conta do Google.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_web_view_loading">Carregando página de autenticação do Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_error_invalid_data">O servidor do Google OAUTH2 retornou um erro…</string>
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2016, 12:46:14 am »

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title">Please log in</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title_arg">Please log into %s</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>
<string name="account_type_label_hotmail">Hotmail or</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_oauth2">Stronger security (OAUTH2). The app will not know, store, or transmit the password.</string>
<string name="oauth_auth_progress">Authenticating…</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_notice">This account can be upgraded to stronger security (OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_confirm_message">The latest security standard, OAUTH2, is a way for the app to access your
mailbox without knowing, storing, or transmitting the password</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_loading">Loading the login page…</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_error_invalid_data">The login (OAUTH2) server returned something strange…</string>

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title">GmailかGoogle Appsのアカウントにログインしてください</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title_arg">%sにログインしてください</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_gmail">AquaMailはGoogleが推奨する \"より安全な\" 認証を使用し、アカウントのパスワードを見たり、記憶したり、あるいは送信しません。</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_auth_progress">Googleアカウントの認証中…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_notice">このGmailアカウントは、Googleの最新のセキュリティ標準(OAUTH2)を利用するようにアップグレードできます。</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_confirm_message">Googleの最新のセキュリティ標準であるOAUTH2は、AquaMailがメールボックスへアクセスするために
<string name="oauth_gmail_web_view_loading">Googleの認証ページを読込中…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_error_invalid_data">GoogleのOAUTH2サーバーは不明な値を返しました…</string>
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Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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Re: Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2016, 12:46:50 am »

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title">Please log in</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title_arg">Please log into %s</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>
<string name="account_type_label_hotmail">Hotmail or</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_oauth2">Stronger security (OAUTH2). The app will not know, store, or transmit the password.</string>
<string name="oauth_auth_progress">Authenticating…</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_notice">This account can be upgraded to stronger security (OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_confirm_message">The latest security standard, OAUTH2, is a way for the app to access your
mailbox without knowing, storing, or transmitting the password</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_loading">Loading the login page…</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_error_invalid_data">The login (OAUTH2) server returned something strange…</string>

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title">请登录到Gmail或Google Apps帐户</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title_arg">请登录%s</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_gmail">AquaMail将会使用Google推荐的 \"更安全\"的身份认证, 将不会查看,存储或传输帐户的密码.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_auth_progress">Google帐户验证中…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_notice">此Gmail帐户可以升级到Google最新的安全标准(OAUTH2).</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_confirm_message">Google最新的安全标准OAUTH2是一种使AquaMail无需查看/存储/存储密码而
<string name="oauth_gmail_web_view_loading">加载Google认证页面…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_error_invalid_data">Google的OAUTH2服务器返回了一些奇葩的东西…</string>
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Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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Re: Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2016, 12:47:34 am »

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title">Please log in</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title_arg">Please log into %s</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>
<string name="account_type_label_hotmail">Hotmail or</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_oauth2">Stronger security (OAUTH2). The app will not know, store, or transmit the password.</string>
<string name="oauth_auth_progress">Authenticating…</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_notice">This account can be upgraded to stronger security (OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_confirm_message">The latest security standard, OAUTH2, is a way for the app to access your
mailbox without knowing, storing, or transmitting the password</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_loading">Loading the login page…</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_error_invalid_data">The login (OAUTH2) server returned something strange…</string>

*** es: Not present in base (redundant): 8

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title">Favor de iniciar sesión de tu cuenta de Gmail o Google Apps</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title_arg">Favor de iniciar cuenta %s</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_gmail">AquaMail utilizará la autenticación recomendado de Google \"mas seguro\", y no va a ver,
guardar, o transmitir la contraseña de tu cuenta.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_auth_progress">Autenticación con Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_notice">Este cuenta de Gmail puede ser actualizado para usar la última estandard de seguridad de Google (OAUTH2).</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_confirm_message">La última estandard de seguridad de Google, OAUTH2, es una manera para
AquaMail a acceseder tu cuenta sin saber, guardar, o transmitir la contraseña.\n\nLa aplicacion pide permiso para acceso a tu
correo via los servicios de la cuenta de Google.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_web_view_loading">Cargando la página de autenticación de Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_error_invalid_data">El servidor de Google OAUTH2 reportó algo extraño…</string>
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Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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Re: Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2016, 12:48:00 am »

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title">Please log in</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title_arg">Please log into %s</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>
<string name="account_type_label_hotmail">Hotmail or</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_oauth2">Stronger security (OAUTH2). The app will not know, store, or transmit the password.</string>
<string name="oauth_auth_progress">Authenticating…</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_notice">This account can be upgraded to stronger security (OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_confirm_message">The latest security standard, OAUTH2, is a way for the app to access your
mailbox without knowing, storing, or transmitting the password</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_loading">Loading the login page…</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_error_invalid_data">The login (OAUTH2) server returned something strange…</string>

*** tr: Not present in base (redundant): 8

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title">Lütfen Gmail ya da Google hesabınızla giriş yapın</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title_arg">Lütfen giriş yapın: %s</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_gmail">AquaMail, Google tarafından önerilen \"Daha Güvenli\" kimlik doğrulama biçimini kullanacaktır ve hesabın
parolası, görüntülenmez, saklanamaz ya da iletilemez olacaktır. </string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_auth_progress">Google hesabı ile kimlik doğrulama…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_notice">Bu Gmail hesabı Google\'ın en son güvenlik standardına yükseltilebilir. OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_confirm_message">AquaMail, Google \'ın son güvenlik standardı olan OAUTH2 ile postalarınıza erişir.
Parolanızı bilmez, saklamaz ya da göndermez.\n\nProgram sizden Google \'ın hesap hizmetleri aracılığıyla erişim izni isteyecektir.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_web_view_loading">Google \'ın kimlik doğrulama sayfası…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_error_invalid_data">Google \'ın OAUTH2 sunucusu hata verdi…</string>
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

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Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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  • Posts: 12740
Re: Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2016, 12:48:31 am »

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title">Please log in</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title_arg">Please log into %s</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>
<string name="account_type_label_hotmail">Hotmail or</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_oauth2">Stronger security (OAUTH2). The app will not know, store, or transmit the password.</string>
<string name="oauth_auth_progress">Authenticating…</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_notice">This account can be upgraded to stronger security (OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_confirm_message">The latest security standard, OAUTH2, is a way for the app to access your
mailbox without knowing, storing, or transmitting the password</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_loading">Loading the login page…</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_error_invalid_data">The login (OAUTH2) server returned something strange…</string>

*** sv: Not present in base (redundant): 8

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title">"Var vänlig logga in på ett konto på Gmail eller Google Apps"</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title_arg">"Var vänlig logga in på %s"</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_gmail">"AquaMail kommer att använda Googles rekommenderade \"säkrare\" autentisering, och kommer inte att se, lagra eller överföra kontots lösenord."</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_auth_progress">"Autentisering med Google…"</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_notice">"Detta Gmail-konto kan uppgraderas för att använda Googles senaste säkerhetsstandard (OAuth2)."</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_confirm_message">"Googles senaste säkerhetsstandard, OAuth2, är ett sätt för AquaMail att få tillgång till din brevlåda utan att veta, lagra eller överföra lösenordet.\n\nAppen kommer att be om behörighet att få tillgång till din e-post via Googles kontotjänster."</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_web_view_loading">"Laddar Googles inloggningssida…"</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_error_invalid_data">"Googles OAuth2-server returnerade något konstigt…"</string>
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

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Вопросы и ответы:

Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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  • Posts: 12740
Re: Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2016, 12:49:14 am »

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title">Please log in</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title_arg">Please log into %s</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Force web based login</string>
<string name="account_type_label_hotmail">Hotmail or</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_oauth2">Stronger security (OAUTH2). The app will not know, store, or transmit the password.</string>
<string name="oauth_auth_progress">Authenticating…</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_notice">This account can be upgraded to stronger security (OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_confirm_message">The latest security standard, OAUTH2, is a way for the app to access your
mailbox without knowing, storing, or transmitting the password</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_loading">Loading the login page…</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_error_invalid_data">The login (OAUTH2) server returned something strange…</string>

*** it: Not present in base (redundant): 8

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title">Accedi a un account Gmail o di Google Apps</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title_arg">Accedi in %s</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_gmail">AquaMail utilizzerà una più sicura autenticazione, raccomandata da Google,
senza visualizzare, memorizzare o inviare la password dell\’account.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_auth_progress">Autenticazione con Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_notice">Questo account Gmail può essere aggiornato con gli ultimi standard di sicurezza Google (OAUTH2).</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_confirm_message">L\'ultimo standard di sicurezza Google, OAUTH2, permette ad AquaMail di accedere alla tua
casella di posta senza conoscere, memorizzare o trasmettere la password.\n\nL\'applicazione richiederà l\'autorizzazione di autenticazione
direttamente attraverso l\'account Google.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_web_view_loading">Caricamento della pagina Google di autenticazione…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_error_invalid_data">Il server Google OAUTH2 ha risposto in modo strano…</string>
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

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  • Hero Member
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Re: Hotmail OAUTH2, new / updated strings
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2016, 02:25:46 pm »
Hi Kostya,

all revised:

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title">Effettua l'accesso</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_web_activity_title_arg">Effettua l'accesso a %s</string>
<string name="account_setup_oauth_force_web_login">Forza l'accesso web</string>
<string name="account_type_label_hotmail">Hotmail o</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_oauth2">Maggiore sicurezza (OAUTH2). L'applicazione ora conosce, memorizza o trasmette la password.</string>
<string name="oauth_auth_progress">Autenticazione in corso…</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_notice">Questo account può essere aggiornato a una maggiore sicurezza (OAUTH2)</string>
<string name="oauth_upgrade_confirm_message">L'ultimo standard di sicurezza, OAUTH2, consente alla applicazione di accedere ai tuoi messaggi senza conoscere, memorizzare o trasmettere la tua password</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_loading">Caricamento della pagina di accesso…</string>
<string name="oauth_authorize_error_invalid_data">L'accesso (OAUTH2) al server ha risposto in modo strano…</string>

*** it: Not present in base (redundant): 8

<!-- strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title">Accedi a un account Gmail o di Google Apps</string>
<string name="account_setup_gmail_web_activity_title_arg">Accedi a %s</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_gmail">AquaMail utilizzerà una più sicura autenticazione, raccomandata da Google,
senza conoscere, memorizzare o trasmettere la password dell\’account.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_auth_progress">Autenticazione in Google…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_notice">Questo account Gmail può essere aggiornato con gli ultimi standard di sicurezza Google (OAUTH2).</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_upgrade_confirm_message">L\'ultimo standard di sicurezza Google, OAUTH2, permette ad AquaMail di accedere alla tua
casella di posta senza conoscere, memorizzare o trasmettere la password.\n\nL\'applicazione richiederà l\'autorizzazione di autenticazione
direttamente attraverso l\'account Google.</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_web_view_loading">Caricamento della pagina Google di autenticazione…</string>
<string name="oauth_gmail_error_invalid_data">Il server Google OAUTH2 ha risposto in modo strano…</string>