Update: http://www.aqua-mail.com/forum/index.php?topic=4650.msg26538#msg26538I recently received a message from Google Play Policy Team, and have to update the app to remove the "set ignore in doze mode" permission for Android 6.0+ (or else the app will be delisted).
For those who wish to know the details:
https://plus.google.com/+KostyaVasilyevWith the permission removed, the process of excluding the app from Doze Mode "battery optimizations" is going to be more complicated for the user.
No longer a popup with "ok", "cancel" -- I'll only be able to take the user to the Battery screen in Settings, and he/she will have to make the changes there him/herself.
So there is now a help screen just before that, explaining what it is, and what to do on that Settings screen.
I've posted screenshots in G+, and also attaching here.
https://plus.google.com/+KostyaVasilyev/posts/8GqSPTR18rEI really need translations of these new text items into as many languages as possible.
Would be great to have German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Slovak, Czech.
<string name="doze_mode_help_brief">Android 6+: For more reliable mail checking, you may want to allow AquaMail to
work in the background (ignoring \"battery optimizations\")</string>
<string name="doze_mode_learn_more">Learn more</string>
<string name="doze_mode_activity">Android 6+ Doze Mode</string>
<string name="doze_mode_help_detailed">The newer Android versions restrict how often apps are allowed to work in the background.\n\nWhen
the phone is stationary, Android will let AquaMail check mail only every so often, and less and less often while the phone isn\'t moved.\n\nYou
can avoid this and have AquaMail check mail on the schedule you want by excluding the app from Android\'s \"battery optimization\".\n\nTo
do this, tap OK below to open the relevant screen in the phone\'s Settings app.\n\nOn that screen, tap \"Not optimized\" and choose \"All apps\".
Find AquaMail on the list, tap it, and choose \"Don\'t optimize\" (for Samsung devices, this is a toggle on the right side).\n\nYou can also do
this later via AquaMail settings, \"Mail, receiving\", or revert the change at any time in the phone\'s Settings app under \"Battery\".</string>
"Learn more" is new.
The "doze_mode_help_brief" is old, but if you'd like to fine-tune it, sure.
The "doze_mode_help_detailed" is the one I'm concerned about most.
The "doze_mode_activity" is the title of the window with the above explanation.
If there are suggestions for better wording in English, please post them too.