The official Gmail app and AquaMail are two different applications. AquaMail doesn't have to copy Gmail.
Gmail is a cloud based app. Meaning that your messages (and your private information inside them) are copied on Gmail's servers, then treated (all of them), making it possible to display all (or part of them) in a conversation. Example: if you receive today a response to an email that you sent 2 years ago, they will both appear in one conversation. This is not the case with AquaMail, which DOES NOT STORE your messages on a server. In the example I gave, the response will not be linked to your message unless you ask the app to sync enough messages (hundreds, or maybe thousands) to reach the message sent 2 years ago.
So, there are pros and cons for Gmail and AquaMail. What I'm trying to say is that this is not a good thing to have AquaMail behave exactly like Gmail.
Yes, of course I wasn't trying to request AquaMail to be like Gmail, or else why wouldn't I just use Gmail app instead of buying AquaMail
The point I was trying to make is merely using Gmail's behavior as a demonstration of the feature I was describing. Personally I think
it is not a Gmail-exclusive thing, to sort message list newest-first-oldest-last but to sort messages in a single conversation in reversed order.
In fact I think it is a more natural way people read a conversation. Just take this AquaMail Forum as example: all threads are sorted so the one with newest reply would appear as the first thread in a discussion board, however if you click open a thread, you would read the original post at first, which is followed chronologically by replies. People would want to see what were being discussed in a conversation before replying it, that should be the whole point of grouping messages into a conversation. We also discourage people from top-posting during email discussion for exactly the same reason (though I understand there are many proponents for it as well...), and this is especially true when the email conversation is among several person (like a real conversation in mail-list) and I may not be aware of what is really being discussed until I read all of them.
As for the limitation of conversation view, I surely can image that especially the example you listed. I wouldn't be whining at all if AquaMail cannot, say, group a 2-year old conversation, I think it has the "smart message navigation" feature exactly for this reason. But at least I think it should provide us with an option to choose the order we sort conversation messages. After all it has the option to sort the message list in reversed time order, which I indeed believe to be much less commonly used, if it were used at all..