Author Topic: Always synchronize more than 120 days in the past  (Read 7137 times)


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Always synchronize more than 120 days in the past
« on: January 20, 2016, 03:20:51 pm »
Is there a way to set Aqua Mail Pro to synchronize more than 120 days worth of messages in the lists/folders?
The maximum age of 120 days available in the app is not enough for me, and I can't everytime re-fetch more than those 120 days limit when I enter a folder that auto-synchronizes in the meantime and leaves me with the last 120 days always.
At least 6 months and 1 year in the past would be very very welcome.
In other email clients I can download all my mail (tens of thousands of small messages since creation of my mailbox) with no observable penalty on performance of app or phone. Is there a way to set such limits and eventually "no limit" on age (all mail)?

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Always synchronize more than 120 days in the past
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2016, 05:36:51 pm »
Re: In other email clients I can download all my mail (tens of thousands of small messages since creation of my mailbox) with no observable penalty on performance of app or phone

Um, mobile apps? Android mobile apps?

Sorry, no.

I just know that if I provide values larger than "120 days" or "5000 by count", they will be abused. Even the current settings do get abused (e.g. in combination with push mail).
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Re: Always synchronize more than 120 days in the past
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2016, 05:56:36 pm »
Yes, with K9 on android (which I used to use for years before it acted on me and I found your excelent app) i could set to sync all email with no limit. The same with PC thunderbird. I use gmail. No adverse effects after syncing all my mail on several devices in one day.
But if you have valid considerations in regard to IMAP abuse, I'll accept your answer. I guess IMAP providers tend to temporarily block clients trying to sync large message base? Maybe raising the limit to at least 180 days?! Ok Ok.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Always synchronize more than 120 days in the past
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2016, 06:11:58 pm »
No, it's not providers.

It's that somebody's 120 days or more is going to be tens of thousands of messages. And then this somebody will also set mail checks to every 5 minutes or enable push.

How many messages, by number, are we talking about in your case?


A comparison with Thunderbird would be valid if Android devices had anywhere near the performance of a "desktop" computer (not to mention the Android imposed, per-process, memory limitations).

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Re: Always synchronize more than 120 days in the past
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2016, 06:31:32 pm »
Yes, we are not talking about many tens of thousands of messages. The mailboxes I'm interested in to sync on Android are maybe 6-7000 messages combined in each (account).
I guess I'll be better off to set the limit by number of messages. I'd just wish to have age-defined limit for more than 120 days (150 or 180 as a compromise), but that (by number of messages) will do as well.
By the way once you sync all your messages (or the last 6 months) in the app, they are cached and even if you skip several days, you will have to sync/download just the new mail after you connect and sync.
Especially for mailboxes that are not too busy. ADDED: Say, if we have 10 000 messages, set up 16KB retrieved per message, this is avg. 100MB, which is nothing to todays phones. With the other client I managed to sync all my messages locally this way, and the phone (2GB RAM) didn't even flinch. Even the scrolling was smooth all the way.

Anyway, thanks for the best email app for android, and I tried all of the known apps. Been using K9 as a good compromise for year and a half, but buying Aqua Mail was an easy and fast decision.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 08:26:00 pm by teglicha »


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Re: Always synchronize more than 120 days in the past
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2016, 10:45:23 pm »
Hi teglicha,
I configured my Gmail account with the following options:

Messages to sync:  100
Messages to cache: 5.000
                                (could be increased up to 10.000)

I'm pretty happy with this solution 8)


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Re: Always synchronize more than 120 days in the past
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2016, 11:23:00 pm »
Hi mikeone, thanks for taking the time.
Your settings will just sync the last 100 messages from your account (5000 to cache helps retrieval later).
The workaround I will use is to set up the largest value to sync (5000), largest to cache (10000), and when I need all the messages I will scroll down in the list and hit Load Another 5000 messages button until all are loaded.
Fortunately the need to have all messages loaded is rare.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Always synchronize more than 120 days in the past
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2016, 12:58:04 am »
Re: this is avg. 100MB, which is nothing to todays phones

SQLite (the database used in Android) gets pretty slow at around this much.

Re: and the phone (2GB RAM) didn't even flinch

Android imposes a much more strict per-process RAM limit.

Re: buying Aqua Mail was an easy and fast decision

If you ever come regret this, shoot me a message to kmansoft / gmail for a refund.
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Re: Always synchronize more than 120 days in the past
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2016, 11:24:31 am »
Kostya, not at all!
I was sincere when I said it was an easy decision to purchase! It's just the best. I wouldn't be wanting to replace it by another email client or regret it (as long as you don't remove features in the future or it remains as stable as it is). And as it happens with the best too, I had to try and clear this tiny matter with the messages.
As to the per-process limits, yes, but in my case the other client managed to maintain all messages loaded (16KB download limit per message), sure most were smaller than 16KB.
In any case, if loading many thousands of messages is likely to hit such limitation on android (and the way you keep messages in memory) and make it unstable, I concur with you. Most of the time I need just the last few months worth of msgs.
Thanks again.