Author Topic: Show Deleted Messages In A Conversation View  (Read 11352 times)

Byron Siegel

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Show Deleted Messages In A Conversation View
« on: January 02, 2016, 09:47:32 pm »
I would like to display deleted messages in conversations, in addition to Incoming/Sent messages and those in Archive type folders.

I was hoping Archive type folders would include Deleted messages but this doesn't appear to be the case.  Maybe I missing an obvious reason for not including deleted emails in AquaMail's conversation view?

TIA, Byron Siegel (AquaMail Pro


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Re: Show Deleted Messages In A Conversation View
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2016, 10:14:51 pm »
"Deleted" ( ) - means"eliminated", "removed", i.e. it no longer exists. And it is only for convenience of a rush user or (sometimes) occasional technical reason, that those messages are still kept in the "Deleted" folder.
To me, that's an obvious reason.

If you want to perform any operation on them, you must undelete them first.
That's very similar to how "Recycle Bin" behaves in Windows: you need to undelete files and folders before you can looks at what's in them.


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Re: Show Deleted Messages In A Conversation View
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2016, 10:45:47 pm »
"Deleted" ( ) - means"eliminated", "removed", i.e. it no longer exists. And it is only for convenience of a rush user or (sometimes) occasional technical reason, that those messages are still kept in the "Deleted" folder.
To me, that's an obvious reason.

If you want to perform any operation on them, you must undelete them first.
That's very similar to how "Recycle Bin" behaves in Windows: you need to undelete files and folders before you can looks at what's in them.

Totally agree with @str
Also agree.

Byron Siegel

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Re: Show Deleted Messages In A Conversation View
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2016, 01:15:36 am »
"Deleted" ( [nofollow] ) - means"eliminated", "removed", i.e. it no longer exists. And it is only for convenience of a rush user or (sometimes) occasional technical reason, that those messages are still kept in the "Deleted" folder.
To me, that's an obvious reason.

If you want to perform any operation on them, you must undelete them first.
That's very similar to how "Recycle Bin" behaves in Windows: you need to undelete files and folders before you can looks at what's in them.

I appreciate your perspective, when I first read it I was nodding my head in agreement.

However deleted messages do exist, in spite of what the dictionary may say.  And in my case there are reasons for their retention other than the "convenience of a rush user or (sometimes) occasional technical reason".  For example, I may consider an email no longer relevant only to discover at some point in the future (before it's gone forever) that I should use it.

Regarding similarities with the Windows Recycle Bin, you don't have to undelete an email to view it and operations on deleted emails can be performed (forwarded, replied, ...) without undeleting them first.

So from my perspective I still feel an option to display deleted emails in AquaMail's conversation view would be nice to have.  It'd probably be best to have the default set to not display deleted emails in conversation view if Kostya felt like implementing this idea in version 999999.1.0.

And many thanks to "The AquaMail Forum Team", it's a valuable resource for AquaMail users!

Cheers, Byron


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Re: Show Deleted Messages In A Conversation View
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2016, 02:07:02 am »
Regarding similarities with the Windows Recycle Bin, you don't have to undelete an email to view it and operations on deleted emails can be performed (forwarded, replied, ...) without undeleting them first.
Same in AqualMai: you are able to forward, reply, ... deleted messages without restore them first.

Howeer, maybe an additional option in > Conversation > Presentation > "Show also Deleted messages in conversation" could be an useful setting.


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Re: Show Deleted Messages In A Conversation View
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2016, 07:32:04 am »
If you're not sure that a message is no more relevant, then don't delete it. Why do you delete an email? There's no need to do so, not a single good reason unless you wish to get rid of it. And enable confirmation before delete in order to avoid deleting a message by error.
@Paris Geek:
Some people just need several levels of deleting messages:
1. Sort of deleted.
2. Mostly deleted.
3. Completely deleted.
4. Really deleted.
5. Cannot be undeleted.
6. Cannot be recovered.
7. Gone forever.

@Byron Siegel:
You may consider creating a folder called "ToBeDeleted", and moving messages that you think you may want to delete to that folder (And "deleting" (as in moving to "Deleted") them only when you are sure you no longer need them). In that folder you'll have your conversations working.
However, AFAIK, Aquamail doesn't pull messages into conversation across the folders (with an exception of "Sent" if enabled (and, maybe "archive"). I.e. the conversations "exist" within their respective folders (the "main" INBOX and any other folders designated to be synced).


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Re: Show Deleted Messages In A Conversation View
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2016, 11:11:11 am »

However, AFAIK, Aquamail doesn't pull messages into conversation across the folders (with an exception of "Sent" if enabled (and, maybe "archive"). I.e. the conversations "exist" within their respective folders (the "main" INBOX and any other folders designated to be synced).

Messages in incoming folders are pulled into conversations.

I tested very briefly, - but when I am looking at Inbox, the messages in a folder "A" that would belong to the same conversation are not showed, and vice versa. But the messages residing in "Sent" are pulled into each of those two (when the corresponding option is enabled).
It is only while inside "Sent" that I see the messages residing in both Inbox and "A" pulled into one conversation.
(I hope I am not mixing things up here...)


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Re: Show Deleted Messages In A Conversation View
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2016, 11:55:49 am »
However, AFAIK, Aquamail doesn't pull messages into conversation across the folders (with an exception of "Sent" if enabled (and, maybe "archive"). I.e. the conversations "exist" within their respective folders (the "main" INBOX and any other folders designated to be synced).
... and the conversations "exist" also in the Smart Folder > across the folders and across the accounts(!) (when replying/forwarding with a different account / identity).  8)


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Re: Show Deleted Messages In A Conversation View
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2016, 12:15:50 pm »

However, AFAIK, Aquamail doesn't pull messages into conversation across the folders (with an exception of "Sent" if enabled (and, maybe "archive"). I.e. the conversations "exist" within their respective folders (the "main" INBOX and any other folders designated to be synced).

Messages in incoming folders are pulled into conversations.

I tested very briefly, - but when I am looking at Inbox, the messages in a folder "A" that would belong to the same conversation are not showed, and vice versa. But the messages residing in "Sent" are pulled into each of those two (when the corresponding option is enabled).
It is only while inside "Sent" that I see the messages residing in both Inbox and "A" pulled into one conversation.
(I hope I am not mixing things up here...)
You are absolutely right.  :)

Byron Siegel

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Re: Show Deleted Messages In A Conversation View
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2016, 08:47:13 pm »
@Byron Siegel:
You may consider creating a folder called "ToBeDeleted", and moving messages that you think you may want to delete to that folder (And "deleting" (as in moving to "Deleted") them only when you are sure you no longer need them). In that folder you'll have your conversations working.
However, AFAIK, Aquamail doesn't pull messages into conversation across the folders (with an exception of "Sent" if enabled (and, maybe "archive"). I.e. the conversations "exist" within their respective folders (the "main" INBOX and any other folders designated to be synced).

The crux of the problem with your suggestion for me is that I have no way of knowing when a random email is no longer relevant and should be deleted.  My thoughts on what could be deleted doesn't necessarily correspond with the reality of things to come. :(

In the overall scheme of how I manage my email it's simpler and a more efficient use of my time to search for Deleted mailbox for the occasional email I want to retrieve.  It'd be even easier to have an *option (turned off by default)* of showing deleted emails displayed in AquaMail's conversation view, the reason for this thread, however it's clear to me now that this capability does not currently exist.

And +1 to Paris Geek's suggestion of including drafts in the conversation view.

Thanks to all who helped me with my question!

Cheers, Byron

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Show Deleted Messages In A Conversation View
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2016, 03:07:58 pm »
Re: when I am looking at Inbox, the messages in a folder "A" that would belong to the same conversation are not showed, and vice versa. But the messages residing in "Sent" are pulled into each of those two (when the corresponding option is enabled).
It is only while inside "Sent" that I see the messages residing in both Inbox and "A" pulled into one conversation.

Yes to all three.

Re: pulling Deleted messages into conversations

Another day, another thing I don't understand.

Or maybe a bit more broadly -- "I simply don't understand what people do with email and how", period.

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