OK, I sent the email with the eml attachment. I used Thunderbird, but I think that should be the same.
As for which email clients. Solmail was the one I took the picture of above. But it appears the same in Typemail, Kaiten mail, and a couple others I can't remember that I no longer have on my phone. I couldn't find an Inomail, though. I tried it in K-9 mail, but it didn't look right at all.
Off topic, but I noticed this as I was checking the clients for the pattern. Previews have two distinct patterns. Like the email above (and all mails from Target) will have "======================" begin the preview in aquamail and kaiten mail, while others (like solmail and typemail) will have the first text in the mail without the ==============. If you view the message as plain text, the "=================" is the beginning of the email. If you view the mail as HTML, the text solmail and typemail displayed is at the beginning. I'm assuming that's a preference of the creators that determines if the previews default to the plain text or HTML.