Author Topic: Change email account from IMAP to MS Exchange  (Read 4426 times)


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Change email account from IMAP to MS Exchange
« on: December 16, 2015, 03:32:15 am »
My club recently changed its internet/email hosting service provider including a move to MS Exchange for emails.  My email address remains the same which is confusing AquaMail.  I have deleted the old IMAP account, but when I create the new exchange account (automatic), which includes the same email address and password, I get an error telling me I have an invalid server response HTTP/1.1 302 Found - Please make sure the data is correct.  If I choose the advanced option using the same settings I get an error Exchange Mail Server Network error hostname in certificate didn't match.

I'm using AquaMail Pro on a Nexus 5 Android 6.0.1.

I have used the Outlook app and it works.

Thanks Bob

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Change email account from IMAP to MS Exchange
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2015, 02:57:07 pm »
There is no "is confusing AquaMail" here, as (im)plausible as it sounds.

Please ask your company's friendly and knowledgeable IT people:

- If the new Exchange server supports something called EWS (Exchange Web Services)

- If so, what the server settings are, specifically for EWS (which are likely to be different from settings for ActiveSync)

PS - EWS and ActiveSync are different ways to connect to Exchange

PPS - If it's Office 365, please use Manual setup and enter as the server

PPPS - For the "hostname in certificate error" please change "security type" (in Manual server settings) from "SSL strict" to "SSL accept all"
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Re: Change email account from IMAP to MS Exchange
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2015, 01:17:28 am »

You're a champion.  It seems to be an office 365 account and your PPS worked a treat.

Cheers and thanks
