I love the conversion mode, but the current mode is too simple for me.
Is there any solution that I can make the conversion really like conversion, I mean like conversion in SMS so I can see all the thread just by scrolling the screen not swipe left/right? (Every single email contains full menu bar, of course, I can see two emails in a screen if one of them is short.) So scroll the screen into the the next/previous email in the conversion, swipe to the next/previous email in the inbox.
Besides, there is a really problem about the swiping left/right to view the conversion, for example, the conversion contains 5 emails, if I click into one of the 5 emails, I can swipe into the next un-related email that is not inside the 5-emails conversion. How can I make the swipe stop there if it is already the most left/right email. Of course, if I can view the conversion in the previous suggested method, just scroll the screen, the problem will not be existed.