Author Topic: New trend in mail application  (Read 34058 times)


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Re: New trend in mail application
« Reply #30 on: December 27, 2014, 08:13:49 pm »
Any chance of starting some work in this department?
I would strongly recommend snoozing approach and message functions (along with filter mails, reply/send to agenda/evernote by swiping, etc), just after exchange enhancement and conversation mode.

Snoozing would be built using partially current "Hide" feature. With adding this feature, I suggest to remove POP mode (source of problems and misunderstandings to many users).

This would lead to v2.0 of AquaMail ;)

I agree with Paris Geek's suggestion to await the exchange extensions (v1.6) and implementation of optional "conversation mode" (v1.7) first.

Maybe it could be possible for Kostya to enhance the "Rich text editor" during his work on these versions.

By changing the editor bar into a "swiping bar" (swipe the bar manually to the left or to the right to see more format icons) with some requested extensions like

Insert/Remove Numbered List
    1. - - - -
    2. - - - -
Create Numbered Lists.

Insert/Remove Bulleted List
    •  - - - -
    •  - - - -
Create Bulleted Lists.

Decrease Indent
   <-| - - -
Decrease the paragraph indent.

Increase Indent
   ->| - - -
Increase the paragraph indent.

For business users (which are usually using Exchange Web Services "EWS") this should be a really useful feature .
See the following thread:
« Last Edit: December 27, 2014, 08:30:45 pm by mikeone »


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Re: New trend in mail application
« Reply #31 on: July 12, 2015, 02:01:18 pm »
Well, I would agree with sidebar with options which are currently in menu. Swipe from right to left to open it. (Something like nav drawer but on the opposite side)
A kind of your suggestion has been implemented in the recent dev-build 1.5.9-37-dev3:
> "Floating context bar"


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Re: New trend in mail application
« Reply #32 on: July 12, 2015, 02:08:08 pm »
Yes, g8
Do you want to use the latest AquaMail version?
Try AquaMail Updater!


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Re: New trend in mail application
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2015, 05:43:33 am »
I have one strong suggesions,  which when I made in past,  was advised to wait till conversation mode is implemented, now it is through,  I am proposing again.  This is about snoozing facility without involving cloud.  Aquamail offers great functionality to share mail as either calender event or task.  Once done,  it kind of "snoozes"  through that application.  The only drawback is that,  then we have to go back to aquamail and search for the application manually.  My suggestion was,  WHEN SHARING APPLICATION IF AQUAMAIL CAN GENERATE THE MAIL LINK IN EITHER TO DO OR CALENDER,  then it will be very easy to go back to mail box directly by clicking the link.  I think while tracking the specific mail id,  as implemented in conversation mode,  this should be possible. 
For a business mail user,  this feature is of immense help.  Thanks

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Re: New trend in mail application
« Reply #34 on: November 24, 2015, 03:36:20 am »
Throughout the day today, I was thinking about that suggestions about a reference from the calendar to the particular e-mail message. I have no idea is that's technically feasible, so, I am not discussing that.

But I was thinking about a different aspect of it. In many cases, the calendar(s) that people use is(are) shared between different platforms/devices (e.g. Google Calendar, Android, Thunerbird/Lightning).
Obviously, the links stored in the calendar wouldn't work on other devices/platforms. And they would like like some gibberish. So, is that OK, sort of "passable"?


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Re: New trend in mail application
« Reply #35 on: November 24, 2015, 05:49:58 am »
This link was kind of in device snoozing.  While sharing calender with other,  the same is shared after striping off the link..  For layman like us,  this is a simple looking,  and easier said than done.  Of course it needs more sensible and technical evaluation
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: New trend in mail application
« Reply #36 on: November 25, 2015, 09:24:42 pm »
I'm just not sure how I could generate a persistent link to a specific message -- also consider that the calendar may sync to multiple devices -- and also that the referenced message could get trimmed from the device (over time), with the calendar item remaining...
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Re: New trend in mail application
« Reply #37 on: November 26, 2015, 06:04:00 am »
Yes, you have  a point here

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