I'm not an Exchange expert, and don't understand the difference between these:
MaxConnectionsPerUser : 16 (back to default)
Maximum Allowed Sessions Per User : 0x30 (48)
Maximum Allowed Service Sessions Per User : 0x30 (48)
What's the difference between Connections and Sessions? And what are Service Sessions?
As I wrote above, AquaMail needs one connection per push folder + one connection for scheduled mail checks and everything else.
The app does a full refresh on those connections every hour, with a graceful logout. You may want to change this to 30 minutes (long press the account -> options and folders -> IMAP options -> "IMAP Push session duration").
Also the app checks if push connections are "alive" every 10 minutes, if found to be "stuck" (no response from server), then those connections are aborted and re-established.
On each device-level connectivity change, push connections are also aborted and re-established.
Finally, it sounds like it takes Exchange 15 minutes to detect a connection that's gone dead / aborted.