Firstable, all my best wishes for this new year.
Changing MaxConnectionsPerUser from 16 to 50 hasn't changed anything.
Yes, I'm using PushMail as it's the best way to get "fresh" data.
But, in AquaMail parameters/Network, I have changed "Keep-Alive" property to None, in Wifi and Data.
These changes seem to make some improvements and error is not going quickly, yesterday the error was only going at 6pm.
So, this morning, I have looked on Event Viewer on the Exchange Server and see this error.
Source : MSExchangeIS
Error 9646 :
MAPI session..... exceeded the maximum number of 16 objects of type « session ».
After looking for this error with my friend Google, I have seen that 2 properties ("Maximum Allowed Sessions Per User" and "Maximum Allowed Service Sessions Per User") should be added in the registry on the exchange server.
I have added these properties in the registry of my echange server and set them to 0x20 (32).
Moreover, the "MaxConnectionsPerUser" property in Exchange Server Console (founded in Server Configuration/Client Access/POP3 and IMAP4/IMAP4/Connection) is not the same the property. As a result, adding "Maximum Allowed Sessions Per User" and "Maximum Allowed Service Sessions Per User" in the registry has no effect in the "MaxConnectionsPerUser" property.
Please see the following article :
http://www.msexchange.org/blogs/walther/news/so-you-still-have-issues-opening-many-shared-exchange-2010-calendars-using-outlook-2003-569.html [nofollow]Moreover you will find detailed explanations on this technet article :
https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff477612.aspx#SL [nofollow]In conclusion, it seems that problem is due to MAPI sessions that were not closed.
My properties are now set like this :
Exchange Properties :
MaxConnectionsPerUser : 16 (back to default)
Maximum Allowed Sessions Per User : 0x20
Maximum Allowed Service Sessions Per User : 0x20
AquaMail Properties :
Keep-Alive : None (in Wifi and Data)
Vasilyev, could you tell me why AquaMail generate a MAPI error whereas I'm connected to Exchange with IMAP ? Something wrong in my configuration ?
Thanks in advance.
I will let you know if it works.