Author Topic: Connection problem  (Read 9644 times)


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Connection problem
« on: November 17, 2015, 09:20:15 pm »
I don't know if this is normal or something that can be fixed. It is reproducible.

Aquamail version in kitkat 4.4.4, nexus 5.

If I am somewhere where wifi connection is available but not signed in, Aquamail cannot connect and retrieve messages even though mobile data connection is available and browsers, etc. connect fine in the same location.

If I then manually disable wifi in my phone settings, Aquamail is able to connect and download messages over the data connection.

Is it a setting I need to change or a bug/feature?

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Connection problem
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2015, 10:43:34 pm »
Not sure how to classify it, maybe just "gee, why does it do that".

Not sure how to reproduce it either, I don't happen to know of any "portal based" WiFi networks near where I live.

BTW - can you clarify "browsers, etc." - what about K9 Mail, for example?
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Re: Connection problem
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2015, 10:51:36 pm »
If I am somewhere where wifi connection is available but not signed in, Aquamail cannot connect and retrieve messages even though mobile data connection is available and browsers, etc. connect fine in the same location.

When you are saying "wifi connection is available but not signed in", do you mean that your phone is connected to Wi-Fi, i.e. the Wi-Fi icon is shown?

If I then manually disable wifi in my phone settings, Aquamail is able to connect and download messages over the data connection.
This suggests that you are likely connected to Wi-Fi.
If that's the case, that's obvious, - from the point of Android you are connect to Wi-Fi, so, it will not connect to the mobile network (obviously, to save your mobile data).

Is it a setting I need to change or a bug/feature?
Disable automatic connection to open networks (in Android).


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Re: Connection problem
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2015, 01:11:24 am »
Not sure how to classify it, maybe just "gee, why does it do that".

Not sure how to reproduce it either, I don't happen to know of any "portal based" WiFi networks near where I live.

BTW - can you clarify "browsers, etc." - what about K9 Mail, for example?
I am in the US. When I am at a local hospital they have a public wifi available for the "public". It connects automatically (perhaps because I once used it) but you need to sign in to use it. So, the phone shows the wifi icon as "connected" and the notification bar on the phone says something like "sign in to wifi". But I don't like to sign in to a public wifi so I don't login.

I don't have k9 anymore, but Tapatalk and the XDA app connect just fine via my carrier data plan in those circumstances. In fact it was while I was at the hospital and unable to connect on Aquamail that I fired up Tapatalk, connected to Aquamail forum and sent my above question.

Unfortunately I'm no longer at the hospital and therefore cannot see what else connects.


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Re: Connection problem
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2015, 01:56:27 am »
I am in the US. When I am at a local hospital they have a public wifi available for the "public". It connects automatically (perhaps because I once used it) but you need to sign in to use it. So, the phone shows the wifi icon as "connected" and the notification bar on the phone says something like "sign in to wifi". But I don't like to sign in to a public wifi so I don't login.
I have been in the same situation. The behavior that you described is as expected from the system. I haven't seen any app that would work in that situation (unless occasionally, the local network is misconfigured and has some ports open even when the person hasn't signed in).
Unfortunately, Android is not able to realize that if there is no connectivity via Wi-Fi, despite being connected to Wi-Fi and the strong signal, it should use the mobile network.

(Actually, I am thinking that some apps might be programmed to disconnect from Wi-Fi if the connectivity is absent, and then connect back. I am not sure if I wanted Aquamail to do that, because it might misjudge what's happening and thus interrupt, say, my voice or video conversation that is happening at that time.)

For the networks that you've connected to before, you can "forget" the network.
See e.g. here how you can do that:
(BTW, it can be a good idea to remove the old networks that you do not need.)



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Re: Connection problem
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2015, 02:39:22 am »
I think you are correct. I will "forget" that public wifi and check Aquamail next time I'm back at that hospital.
Thank you.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Connection problem
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2015, 11:54:54 pm »
Re: Tapatalk and the XDA app connect

Both of these probably use HTTP / HTTP as the transport, so their traffic (and connectivity needs) looks like web browsing -- and AquaMail connects to IMAP / POP3 / SMTP, which uses different ports.

Maybe there is fallback logic somewhere in Android, and it triggers on web browsing?
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Re: Connection problem
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2015, 04:02:11 pm »
Thank you.


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Re: Connection problem
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2015, 06:30:59 pm »
Was somewhere else where "free" wifi was able but need to manually connect. I didn't connect or login and Aquamail used my mobile data to download messages. So all is well.


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Re: Connection problem
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2015, 08:08:59 pm »
Was somewhere else where "free" wifi was able but need to manually connect. I didn't connect or login and Aquamail used my mobile data to download messages. So all is well.
As far as I know the "connection work" is driven by Android's system code. Nothing that could be handled by the app itself.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 09:56:16 pm by mikeone »


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Re: Connection problem
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2015, 12:08:14 am »
I have a nexus 10 with latest android. Wifi only. I find that (possibly because android very effectively remembers the state of all apps left open) when I connect to a public wifi, sometimes it is a hard job to persuade a browser to open the interstitial page (landing page) where I must each time "agree T&C". Open a new tab doesn't always do it! In extremes a restart can help.
Perhaps I should close all apps before moving my connection point.
It is a weakness of public wifis that although many apps don't use http or a browser, you still have to use a browser to sign in. It is rather like working in a modern electronic  office but having to sign an attendance book with a fountain pen, except sometimes you can't find the book or the pen!
The good news is that at a minority of public wifi in the UK I find IMAP open so aqua mail works, when Tapatalk doesn't. I permit myself a small cheer when that happens. In such cases maybe a few ports are open, by accident or by design I don't know.

Dave Beakhust, via Tapatalk

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Connection problem
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2015, 06:06:55 pm »
Re: I permit myself a small cheer when that happens

Thank you for posting that.

I'm going to permit myself a *large* cheer :) -- because I always hear cases where "AquaMail doesn't work but all these other apps do" and not the opposite (which I know have to exist too).
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