Author Topic: Posibillity to get different time controlled Notifications für each Account?  (Read 11967 times)


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first thanks to the developer for this app.
This app is great!

But I should have the existing global time-controlling not identical for all accounts, but this in different time-controlling seperated for each account.
Is ther a way to perform this with Aqua Mail?

Reason is, I have a reading app what reads all notifications.
In night, only the notification of one account should be displayed and read (it's a very important account). The other accounts may show no notification in night, if there a mail is coming in but nice to have received the mails anyhow. Other possibillity will be seperated time controlled receivings for each account, if no way to do so with the notifications.
While day all accounts should be received and read.

In moment, I use K9-Mail for the family account with activated notifications and Aqua-Mail for the others without active notifications.
But this costs memory and comfort.

So I look for a way in this app or a mail programm that have different time controlled notifications for each account.

Can anyone help?


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Hi Hubert,

You can disable/enable notifications per account. Long press on account name, then look into special settings.
@Paris Geek:
But these special per-account settings unfortunately doesn't offer individual Nights and weekends options...


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thanks for your fast responses.

This option, you've suggest I have tried, but it is very uncomfortable to switch off the notifications for eight accounts every afternoon and avtivate then at morning.
If I forget to switch off, I get a notification by my Router-Mail address at 03:00AM every morning when the Internet-connection will be re-establish. This kicks me out of bed.

Therefor I'm looking for a solution what will do this automatically.
Yes, that would be perfect. If the integrated time-controlling "Night-Mode-steering" will be not in general but editable differently for each account seperately.

With this enlargement Aqua-Mail would be best of all mail-apps


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Yes, using Active Intents and broadcast messages, could be a solution to remote Aqua Mail with a profile manager like Tasker or Llama.
Therefor we should get a list with the implemented orders in Aqua Mail to set the different switches in this app.

I remote my reading app with Llama and broadcast messages. Just as toogle between on and off.

If the developer of Aqua Mail will publish the broadcast messages - and orders*) with Actions and the Data to use them, this will be a really posibillity.
To get the syntax of the broadcast message for switching the account notifications (not the general) on and off including the needed Parameters (if necessary) would be great.

*) EDIT: If AquaMail has a BuiltIn Broadcast Receiver, not just a sender what I hope :-)
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 03:32:18 pm by Hubert »

Kostya Vasilyev

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AquaMail has a "real" Tasker plugin for changing app level and account level settings.

In particular, you can control "sync in background on a schedule" and "IMAP push" settings.

Those aren't controlled by broadcasts -- you should see AquaMail as a "plugin" when creating a Tasker "what to do" (as opposed to "when to do it") in your script.
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thanks a lot.
I had to reinstall Tasker to see the AquaMail PlugIn there.
After reinstall Tasker, I was able to control AquaMail with some Tasker Scripts.
And now everything is fine and exactly as wanted.
AquaMail really is the best mail-app for Android


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that is really no big deal. ;)

Download(install) and open Tasker

Generally Tasker works with conditions and tasks what are performed, if the conditions matches or not.

Like other programming languages it works like "If ... (condition) ... then ... (Task1) ... else ... (Task2) ... end if" - A sentence like this is summarized a "Profile" in Tasker
You can build as much of different Profiles as you want.

In Tasker go to the tab "Profile":

1. Touch onto the "+" in the bottom right corner of the "Profile" tab to create a new profile with it's first (and in this case it's only) condition
2. Touch "Time" for create a new time-condition
3. A new window appears with the possible settings for a time-condition. Here you have to select the SwitchOff-Time (Night) you want to have in the upper and the SwitchOn-Time (Day) in the lower for the notifications
4. Touch the "<" (Back)-Button in the upper left or your system-back-button

This is our condition - lets do the first task. That, what is to do, if the condition match

5. A Popup-Menu appears in the "Profile" tab for creating a Task what will be done, if the condition matches some time
6. In this popup menu you have to select "New Task" and write a unique name as label for it (for example: " Night") - but this label is optional, you also may let this field empty and just press the hook in the right of this lable
7. The screen changes to the "Edit Task"-page. Here touch onto the "+" in the bottom middle to add a new task
8. Touch "PlugIn" and then "AquaMail"
9. Now touch the pencil next to "Configuration"
10. Scroll down until the "Account-Settings".
11. Touch the "Acount" where "no" is displayed and choose the mail-address you want to remote
12. Touch onto "OK"
13. Scroll a little more down until the block "Notification"
14. Here touch onto "Change Notifications" and select the last of the three options (probably named "Reset")
15. Touch "OK"
16. In the "Tasker > AquaMail" screen, touch the "<" (Back)-Button in the upper left or your system-back-button and choose as timeout around 15 secs
17. In the "Edit Action" screen, touch the "<" (Back)-Button in the upper left or your system-back-button
18. In the "Edit Task" screen, touch the "<" (Back)-Button in the upper left or your system-back-button

Now we have programmed our first Profile that contains a Switch period and a task what to do, if this condition match.

While the selected period of time no more any notifications will be displayed by the selected mail address

But we want to get notifications in the other period of time - So we have to create a second task what contains, what to do, if actual time is not in this period of time
That part, what comes after the "Else" (or "IF not") - If the Condition doessn't match

19. Touch long onto the task you've created (that text in right of the green arrow)
20. Choose second option (some like "Add Leaving Task")
21. once again touch "New Task"
22. In this popup menu you have to select "New Task" and write a unique name as label for it (for example: " Day") - but this label is optional, you also may let this field empty and just press the hook in the right of this lable
23. The screen changes to the "Edit Task"-page. Here touch onto the "+" in the bottom middle to add a new task
24. Touch "PlugIn" and then "AquaMail"
25. Now touch the pencil next to "Configuration"
26. Scroll down until the "Account-Settings".
27. Touch the "Acount" where "no" is displayed and choose the same mail-address like before you want to remote
28. Touch onto "OK"
29. Scroll a little more down until the block "Notification"
30. Here touch onto "Change Notifications" and select the second of the three options (probably named "Activate")
31. Touch "OK"
32. In the "Tasker > AquaMail" screen, touch the "<" (Back)-Button in the upper left or your system-back-button and choose as timeout around 15 secs
33. In the "Edit Action" screen, touch the "<" (Back)-Button in the upper left or your system-back-button
34. In the "Edit Task" screen, touch the "<" (Back)-Button in the upper left or your system-back-button

Now we have programmed a condition and two tasks.
More we don't need for this Job.

The condition defines the period of time in night
If the condition matches, the first task will be done, if not, the second task is working
The first task (that with the green Arrow in its left) will be done at night and orders the defined mail-box not to show any notification
The second task (that with the red arrow in its left) will be done at day and orders the defined mail-box to show all notifications

For each mail-address you have to the same procedure from 1. to 34. but in 11. and 27. use your other mail-addresses

In the tasker profile-tab you can long press the actual profile and then the big "A" in the top to chenge the name of the new arranged profile to get a better overview for your Profiles

Hope, I could help.

For questions, drop a line here :)

EDIT: revised and corrected

For those who have a little exercise with Tasker:

Profil: (18)
   Zeit: Von 22:00 Bis 10:00

Eingang: Anon (49)
   A1: AquaMail Einstellungen [ Konfiguration:Kontoeinstellungen:, Benachrichtigun Paket:org.kman.AquaMail
Name:AquaMail Einstellungen Timeout (Sekunden):15 ]
   A2: Warte [ MS:0 Sekunden:15 Minuten:0 Std.:0 Tage:0 ]

Ausgang: Anon (41)
   A1: AquaMail Einstellungen [ Konfiguration:Kontoeinstellungen:, Benachrichtigun Paket:org.kman.AquaMail
Name:AquaMail Einstellungen Timeout (Sekunden):15 ]
   A2: Warte [ MS:0 Sekunden:15 Minuten:0 Std.:0 Tage:0 ]
« Last Edit: September 27, 2015, 08:30:19 pm by Hubert »


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I cross fingers for  :)

One question more to the developer of AquaMail:
Is there a way to get sender, subject and message of received mails (and shown in notifications) from AquaMail in the app tasker to let read them directly by tasker?
Unfortunately I just found %EmailSubject, %EmailCC, %EmailDate, %EmailTime, %EmailSender but no %EmailMessage in Vars of Tasker
Playing a little with ...  ;)

%EmailSubject, %EmailCC, %EmailDate, %EmailTime, %EmailSender seems not to work with AquaMail.
Just the common %NTITLE (Notification Title) is usable - but this contents only sender and subject - no messagetext. :'(
What to do?
« Last Edit: September 27, 2015, 07:42:03 pm by Hubert »


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"that is really no big deal".  However, 34 steps...  8)

Thanks for sharing this here in the forum 👍


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in difference to my other scripts, this is one of the smallest  ;D
The profile for AquaMail contains just one Condition and one Action.
Just a little extensive to explain, but not in it's result  ;)

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Posibillity to get different time controlled Notifications für each Account?
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2015, 07:11:13 pm »
@Hubert --

Yes, they're called %aqmsubject, %aqmcc, etc. Should be there in Tasker's "autocomplete" (variable list).
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Re: Posibillity to get different time controlled Notifications für each Account?
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2015, 07:57:30 pm »
Hi Kostya,

unfortunately I couldn't find them in the Variable List of Tasker.
Could you write a list of them here, please?
I need the names of Date, Time, Sender, Subject and Message
This would be great.

In that case, eventually I can drop my reading app from my Smartphone and just use Tasker instead.

EDIT: On my Smartphone the Variables by Aquamail seems not to be implemented into Tasker.
They don't work  :'(
« Last Edit: September 27, 2015, 08:21:32 pm by Hubert »


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Re: Posibillity to get different time controlled Notifications für each Account?
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2015, 08:38:05 pm »
in your Android you have to give Tasker the permission for Notifications.
Settings - Common - Security - Notificationaccess
Then the variables of aquamail appears in Tasker - with full access.

I love AquaMail  :D

No, I am wrong - still no function

« Last Edit: September 27, 2015, 08:43:41 pm by Hubert »

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Posibillity to get different time controlled Notifications für each Account?
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2015, 08:39:30 pm »
For me (and I haven't tried it in a while, since I'm not a regular Tasker user) -- the variables show once I add AquaMail condition plugin into the "script", and configure it.
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Re: Posibillity to get different time controlled Notifications für each Account?
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2015, 08:46:13 pm »

couly you explain, what you did? I can't understand, what you mean.