Author Topic: Unread Message Count (in app) off by +1 (zero shows "1")  (Read 11276 times)


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Unread Message Count (in app) off by +1 (zero shows "1")
« on: September 15, 2015, 04:43:57 am »
Hi! Wonderful product, with a great forum!

I'm using a Moto G 1st gen CDMA phone with stock KitKat 4.4.4.  I'm seeing the Unread Message Count be off by 1 as viewed in the app itself (Top of the Main Window and Inbox. Also in the Smart Folder when active).  No widgets in use.

This is with an Exchange account with the app using EWS.  I thought I was seeing something strange, so I was careful to knock out all the unread messages in my company Exchange account through the PC desktop, then view the app's version.  Reducing the account to an actual zero unread messages, the app show "1". 

I then did a Backup of the app with settings, removed and re-installed the app, then Restored.  No change. Perhaps the Restore with settings might have been something to avoid for control purposes, but I've got quite a few things configured at this point and didn't want to lose them.

Not a huge deal (I'm great with subtraction at this level!), but if there's something easy I can do to fix it, I'm there.   Any help or tips appreciated.


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Re: Unread Message Count (in app) off by +1 (zero shows "1")
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2015, 08:01:11 pm »
You can try to make a reset of the counter:

1. turn off / turn on the option "Launcher icon counter"
> Settings > Message notifications > scroll down to the very last option

2. turn off / turn on the option "Reset on notification clear"
> Settings > Message notifications > scroll to the 5th option
« Last Edit: September 15, 2015, 08:03:11 pm by mikeone »


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Re: Unread Message Count (in app) off by +1 (zero shows "1")
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2015, 11:36:39 pm »
Thanks for the reply.

I'm running the free version of the app.  The last option in my list under Message Notifications is Manage - Per Account, so I appear to be missing the Launcher Icon Counter setting.

And Reset On Notification Clear on mine is greyed out, checked by default (I assume the action in #1 might un-grey things).

What could be going on here?  Maybe I should install one of the widgets?


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Re: Unread Message Count (in app) off by +1 (zero shows "1")
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2015, 12:15:17 am »
Ah, I understand.

1. This option should be only appearing on a Samsung/LG/Sony device. Since you are using a Moto G it is not available (and not really necessary) on your device.

2. I'm on Android 5.1.1 and this option is greyed out on my phone. Therefore I just guessed that it could be available on Android KitKat. But obviously not.

One more idea:
Remove the app's launcher icon and "reinstall" that icon from the app drawer. Hopefully this will "reset" the counter.


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Re: Unread Message Count (in app) off by +1 (zero shows "1")
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2015, 04:33:55 am »
Item no. 2 ("Reset on notification clear") un-greys if I change "Notify about" from All Unread Messages to New Unread Messages.  However, I tried pretty much every combination with no observed change in the new message count.

I also tried your suggestion about removing the Aqua launcher and re-adding it.  No joy there.

Interestingly, I have another identical device that I've also installed AquaMail on, and I'm getting the same results.


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Re: Unread Message Count (in app) off by +1 (zero shows "1")
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2015, 07:43:31 am »

#2: Thanks for pointing this out. That makes sense.

However, right now I am out of ideas. Sorry...
Maybe Kostya (the Aquamail developer itself) will have some other ideas when he is back from vacation (after Sept. 18).

Kindest regards

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Unread Message Count (in app) off by +1 (zero shows "1")
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2015, 10:47:17 pm »
What is your launcher?

AquaMail only does this for Samsung / LG / Sony devices (their respective standard launchers), since your phone isn't one of those, the setting discussed above is not visible.


AquaMail also supports this feature in Nova / Apex / Simple launchers.

If it's Nova, I believe there is a fairly obscure bug in the launcher (seen debug logs from maybe one or two users, verified that Nova was showing a value different from what Aqua was sending).

And one more thought about Nova -- it has a feature where it can monitor status bar notifications and come up with "badge" values that way:

... not necessary for AquaMail which talks to Nova Launcher (Tesla Unread, really) directly, but if that "monitoring" is enabled, it may be confusing / overwriting the value inside Nova.
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

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Re: Unread Message Count (in app) off by +1 (zero shows "1")
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2015, 11:23:18 pm »
I'm using stock KitKat, with no additional launcher installed, so whatever that launcher is called is what's in use.


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Re: Unread Message Count (in app) off by +1 (zero shows "1")
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2015, 03:36:36 am »
Well Kostya,

You're not going to believe this (because I certainly don't), but I had occasion to access my company Exchange account from one of my personal computers at home, using the Outlook Web App in a web browser, which is a method that I hardly ever need to use.

Imagine my surprise when I looked at the folders and saw a "1" in parentheses next to the Inbox!  And this is after leaving work today with NO apparent unread messages (using the full-blown Outlook client from the MS Office Suite).  So in one place, nothing unread; in another, one unread.  I had just yesterday selected to mark all messages unread in my Inbox, which made me believe it was so (and there was nothing unread visible). 

In the OWA here at home, as soon as I selected to mark all read, I did a Sync with AquaMail and it cleared the counter right up!

I don't know what's up with that, but I'm so sorry for making you and probably others scratch their heads regarding a problem that really didn't exist (at least in AquaMail).  Thanks to Kostya (great product), mikeone, and Paris Geek for the helpful posts!  I'll be reading the forum regularly.


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Re: Unread Message Count (in app) off by +1 (zero shows "1")
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2015, 09:06:32 am »
Glad to hear that your problem is solved right now.
... and welcome in the 'AquaMail forum'.

Kind regards