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Kostya Vasilyev

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« on: September 01, 2015, 11:55:12 pm »


+ Rich text editor: increased max. supported size of inline (inserted) images.

Has anyone tried the new image resizing UI, by the way?


+ Редактор сообщений: увеличен максимальный размер картинок (которые можно вставлять в текст).

А кто-нибудь пробовал уменьшение размеров картинок вложений?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2015, 03:53:57 pm by Kostya Vasilyev, Aqua Mail »
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Kostya Vasilyev

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« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2015, 01:25:12 am »
If you set the setting value (under composing and sending) to anything other than "Do not shrink", then the app will use it right when you're attaching your images.

And that will affect draft uploading too.

But you can still change the "shrinking" or turn it off completely via the menu.

And you get size estimates for the shrinking level that's currently in effect.

So at this point, I'm not sure what's so magical about iPhone Mail anymore.
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Kostya Vasilyev

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« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2015, 01:33:56 am »
You only need to touch the setting once, to enable it at all, and maybe set the preferred size (and I have to check the hardware -- something that iPhone apps can take for granted).

And if all the images are small, or there are no images, then that menu item won't be there. Speaking of "smartness".

And AquaMail can save your traffic when uploading drafts, not only when sending.

But anything on the iPhone is pure magic, I understand.

( Aside: I bought and iPhone 6 last winter and stopped using it after a week, because it isn't possible to set the alarm volume separately from incoming call volume... )

Re: And the user will forget that there's a setting for shrinking

There is a discover-ability issue here, but as far as "forget" -- let them, it won't disable the feature again.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2015, 01:38:03 am by Kostya Vasilyev, Aqua Mail »
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Kostya Vasilyev

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« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2015, 01:47:07 am »
If "simplicity" means "ignores half the problem" then I agree.

It would not be difficult for me to program a popup window "just like on the iPhone", but this would ignore draft uploading.
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« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2015, 03:23:14 am »
Sorry to intervene...
Kostya, - I don't know if you've seen my suggestion in another thread. So, just in case, I 'd repeat it here, while clarifying some details about it:

If one can "disable Drafts synchronization while on mobile networks", this would
(1) help with one of the issues debated, and
(2) help to save the traffic in other situations.

In many, if not most cases, if you have a draft of the message stored on the phone, you don't need to sync it automatically while you are writing it.
Writing of a message on a phone while you are on the road can sometimes take some time (if you are interrupted on the road). Even if (and when) it is important for you to monitor the incoming messages (and thus have the auto-sync enabled) - you don't really need to waste the traffic to sync each and every small step of your writing process.
But yes, you may need to sync it at the end of the writing process (e.g. to finish it from the laptop by adding some attachments available only there). So if I understand the sync configuration correctly, if I were to disable sync on the Drafts folder completely (as so far that's the only way to disable that on the mobile network), I wouldn't be able to sync it manually.

You already have separate settings that are essentially "do not preload attachments on mobile networks" (for the incoming messages). I believe my suggestion follows the same logic.

PS. As for the heart issue of Paris Geek's discussion with you, - I haven't used iPhone's Mail app before, so, I had no clue what it was until earlier today I saw the snapshots in another thread.
But my first reaction when I installed -pre6 was very similar to P.G.'s: I didn't understand why I wasn't offered the option to choose the size while attaching the image. And I knew that it was possible to do "live", not only in the "default settings". So, I was confused, - where do I find that... (And I am not the most stupid user.)  Fortunately, right about that time I read about the existence of a separate menu item in this forum.

If this is not convincing enough, - here is a different use case:
Somebody who doesn't know Aquamail allows attached image resizing, installs Aquamail and goes with the minimum configuration (because the defaults are very reasonable), - or just blindly updates already-configured app via Google Play store.
He/she may never know about the fact that the attached image can be resized.
(I believe someone here has already brought up this point earlier.)

In summary, - the menu for the "live resizing" is not intuitive. It's nice that that option exists, so that if you changed your mind, you don't need to re-attach the image again. But having that option in the menu while choosing the image for the attachment would be more intuitive. (And you'd probably want to keep it in the menu as well, - for the subsequent changing.)


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« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2015, 04:01:36 am »
I think ALL THE PRO/CON could been resolved very easy by making the image scrink process have a POPUP window (dialogue) asking you if you want to scrink the image or not....and then for those who see this dialogue annoying every time attaching an image...have an option saying "remember my choice" .....THAT SIMPLE....(but only Kostya knows if its really simple to make the process like this??)

Then to just comment the increase of the inline pictures.....really nice...but as mentioned in my email you can't insert png or gif files....except for this: AWESOME update of the inline pic function (could even been larger after my opinion )

Good work always

Kostya Vasilyev

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« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2015, 03:28:09 pm »
"have a POPUP window (dialogue) asking you if you want to scrink the image or not"

And then I'll have people asking "what the fuck is this thing that pops up every time and how do I get rid of it".

( and no, they will not go into settings and disable "prompt to resize when attaching", because they don't read the changelog )

There are many ways to complicate this more and more.


But I'd rather ask a different question:

Is anyone here having trouble shrinking their attachments?
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« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2015, 05:49:04 pm »
"have a POPUP window (dialogue) asking you if you want to scrink the image or not"

And then I'll have people asking "what the fuck is this thing that pops up every time and how do I get rid of it".


Not sure, but maybe for the first time there should be dialog with description of this feature. AquaMail has so many settings (that's great!) but common user could be lost there.
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Kostya Vasilyev

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« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2015, 05:57:56 pm »
"maybe for the first time there should be dialog with description of this feature"

I've thought about it, but --

Since it's my first time with native code, I'm concerned that "something" could go wrong even when "detecting the CPU arch" (checking if the resizing can be enabled at all).

If this happens in the settings screen, alright, it'll crash, but just that screen.

But if it happens in the compose screen, then it can render the app unusable.
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« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2015, 10:11:46 pm »
CPU arch you can check via Java code, or I miss something?

Property "os.arch".

Check Superuser by Koush and on github for detection code. What it is not in code, is 64 bit detection. For 64 bit, it is "aarch64"
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Kostya Vasilyev

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« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2015, 10:36:14 pm »

"CPU arch you can check via Java code, or I miss something?

Property "os.arch".

No need to parse the build props file -- the values are already there in Build.CPU_ABI, Build.CPU_ABI2 (< 5.0) and Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS (>= 5.0).

And yes, I know that ARM 64 is often called "aarch64".

The actual value in SUPPORTED_ABIS is "arm64-v8a", not "aarch64", though (yes, I had to re-read those help pages several times until it started to click).

But it's not that at all.


Since it's my first time working with native code, I am making the assumption that "something" will go wrong, and possibly crash.

Something I can't even imagine right now.

It always does.

So I want to avoid the situation when this "unknown something" renders the app unusable because it's crashing the "new message" window.
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