Author Topic: What has happened to expand/collapsed folders in "Other folders..." ?  (Read 8194 times)


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Just realized that one of THE features that I use the most and was one of the features
that convinced me to go Pro and also to make me use this as my main email client and
recommend it to others is gone and can't find a way to restore it.

What I am talking about is the expand/collapsed folder tree instead of a flat structure.
Mainly in the "Other folders..." item.

As I have huge amount of folders using IMAP it is impossible for me to run it without
the possibility to start from top and only expand down the exact folders instead of
having to scroll through ALL the folders.

WHY has this been done.  And PLEASE, make re-include it again. (possible as a user defined option)
I have tried to find a setting to this but can't find it so I wonder if it is permanently
changed to a flat structure and if so WHY ?

If the option to change back the old behavior is still there, could someone please help me how to do it.

Best regards
Dan Lundqvist
Stockholm, Sweden


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Aqua has never had a hierarchical folder view in its main window (account list).

Some more information about recent changes you will find in this thread:
« Last Edit: June 14, 2015, 04:12:46 pm by mikeone »


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I am running the latest and if I, from main "Message List View" select top "Inbox" I will get:
Other folders...
Manage folders

Previously in previous versions (not sure exactly when this changed), when I then select
"Other folders" I then get the folder list in a collapsed version starting from top level in
the mail server. I could then just just click on the specific folder I want to expand and
continue to do so until I get to the folder I want and finally select "Open".

But now I have ALL the folders and sub-folders in one long flat list where I could only
scroll down the whole list and select the specific folder.   It is NOT in collapsed format.

See attached screenshot.

I just read the thread you included and I am REALLY REALLY angry about this decision to remove it permanently.

The whole point of me buying the software in the past was this single feature which is a
critical thing for me. With this struck you have rendered my Pro version unusable and I
have now wasted money as I need to start looking for a new mail client.

Aquamail has been, by far, the best mail client I have ever owned and has been the yardstick
that I have used to compare other mail clients against but now due to the bad decision
to ditch the non-hierarchical I may need to abandon it. :-(

Could you PLEASE reconsider to get it back ? (possible as user option)
Or send me a link to a copy of the the last version that had the old way.

Best regards
Dan Lundqvist
« Last Edit: June 14, 2015, 05:01:53 pm by mrzaz »

Kostya Vasilyev

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>> REALLY REALLY angry about this decision to remove it permanently

Please contact me at kmansoft / gmail for a refund.
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>> REALLY REALLY angry about this decision to remove it permanently

Please contact me at kmansoft / gmail for a refund.

You are too kind, Kostya.
No other mobile email app I know offers what that user is asking for. I wish him good luck with the 5 dollars he'll get as refund.

This is a generous response and very customer friendly.
One of the reasons why we love AquaMail and its developer Kostya so much.


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>> REALLY REALLY angry about this decision to remove it permanently

Please contact me at kmansoft / gmail for a refund.

You are too kind, Kostya.
No other mobile email app I know offers what that user is asking for. I wish him good luck with the 5 dollars he'll get as refund.

This is a generous response and very customer friendly.
One of the reasons why we love AquaMail and its developer Kostya so much.

It's not so much the money itself, but rather a matter of principle.

Except this new thing, I am also in love with Aquamail and it's developer and have been so for a long time and
have been promoting it to anyone who listens.  This is why I get so frustrated about the decision to go this route.
I do not want to abandon Aquamail but I may have to as the nested folders is too important for me. :-/

Best regards
Dan Lundqvcist


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Hi Dan,

I really understand your disappointment but I guess that there is a technical limitation to provide the users two options right now:

Kostya Vasilyev

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Yes, having two completely different code paths is just too expensive in terms of time and complexity.
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