Author Topic: Notifications for gmail - no "Mark Read" option  (Read 9529 times)


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Notifications for gmail - no "Mark Read" option
« on: June 02, 2015, 04:04:26 am »
I've noticed recently -- I think since the upgrade to Android 5.0.1 -- that the notifications for gmail messages no longer include an option to "mark read".  I really thought this option existed before.  A related issue is that when I clear a notification for a gmail message, the notification comes back a few minutes later.

Am I missing an option in the settings?  Can a "mark read" option be included for gmail messages as it does for others?  Thanks.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Notifications for gmail - no "Mark Read" option
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2015, 12:43:50 pm »
The mark read button is there for all account types, but, two things:

- First, please check AquaMail settings -> message notifications, there is a setting for which buttons to show

- Second, Android can "collapse" these "expanded" notifications as it sees fit, and then you'll see no action buttons at all (or message text / subject preview) until you "expand" them. To do that, swipe down on the notification. AFAIK, only the first (top) notification is expanded by default, has been this way since Android 4.3.

On the repeat notifications -- does anything change by then? A new (unread) message? Perhaps you mark a message unread in another app / web mail?

If not, please check "message notification" setting in AquaMail and either:

- Change "notify about" from "all unread" to "new unread"


- Make sure to enable "only when new messages" and "only when there are changes" both
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Re: Notifications for gmail - no "Mark Read" option
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2015, 03:30:51 pm »
Thanks for your reply.

On your first point, the settings for which buttons to show included the mark read.  So that was fine.

On your second point, however, I just realized that the aquamail notifications for the gmail messages do not expand.  The notifications for the other account I have in aquamail do expand and work as intended (with Mark Read).  Also, the notifications for the actual gmail app that shows gmail messages also expand properly (though without a mark as read button, of course).

I played around with the other settings you mentioned, and the repeat notifications seemed to have stopped.

I could send you a quick screen shot if that would help showing how the notifications are appearing.  But right now the problem seems to be that Aquamail's gmail notification does not expand and therefore does not show the Mark Read option. 

Thanks for your help.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Notifications for gmail - no "Mark Read" option
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2015, 12:52:11 am »
The code that posts notifications is not dependent on account type (POP3, IMAP, Gmail or Exchange).

Have you tried pulling / scrolling those (Gmail) notifications down? To expand and hopefully show the buttons?

How many unread messages do you have there? If it's hundreds of old messages, would it be possible to use Gmail / web to search for them and mark as read?
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Re: Notifications for gmail - no "Mark Read" option
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2015, 02:48:32 am »
I have tried numerous times to expand the notification, but it doesn't work.  I have used Android phones for years now, and am quite familiar with how the notifications work.  I have included a screen capture showing examples of how the various notifications are displayed.  I hope it helps.

The first notification is from the gmail app, and it is expanded, though of course with no "mark as read" button.  The second notification is from Aquamail and is for the same gmail account.  Note that it is not expanded, and I have tried many times.   The third notification is from Aquamail for an exchange account.  It is expanded and shows the "mark read" button, something which I use almost everytime.

As for the possibility of my gmail account having unread messages, there are none.  I even checked directly with my gmail account online.  In fact, I always mark every email I receive as "read" - it's one of pet peeves to not leave "unread" emails in my inbox.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the problem began with Android 5.0.1, sometime in mid-April, I believe.  I have a Samsung S4 from ATT.

Is the expanded notification working for other phones with a gmail acccount in Aquamail?

Thanks again.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Notifications for gmail - no "Mark Read" option
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2015, 12:09:13 pm »
Long press the Gmail account (in Aqua's main window) -> Special settings -> Message notifications.

Turn off "protect privacy" at the end (or turn off the "message notifications" settings override for this account altogether).
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Re: Notifications for gmail - no "Mark Read" option
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2015, 03:37:06 pm »
That did it.  Thanks!