Thanks for response.
But syncing settings does not seem to be the problem. Let me show an example:
There may be a incoming message "Testmail", my Gmail filter assign a label called "Abo".
Now in Gmail web interface and in Gmail app the message can be found under 3 labels:
- Inbox
- Abo
- All messages
Entering the inbox I can see, that the label "Abo" was assigned correctly (see 1st screenshot). So when I archive the mail, I can be sure to find it in label "Abo". Fine.
In AquaMail the mail should be found in three folders, syncing works for me, by the way .
But if I enter the folder "Inbox", I can not see, which other label is assigned (means in AquaMail: which other folder contains the mail, too)
Entering the "Smart Folder", I'm happy that another label (means in AquaMail: folder) is shown (see 2nd screenshot). But it shows only one label/folder, the inbox. I can not see, that the Mail is also in the folder "Abo". It is not displayed.
So I have to enter the folder "Abo" to check, wether the mail is there. This has to be done for every mail - very annoying.