This is a minor, but wanted to see if I was missing something.
First, my settings in "Mail, receiving" (hopefully I'm getting all the pertinent ones):
Scheduled sync is checked
Mail check interview set to 30 minutes
Time reference point 12:00AM
Settle in delay set to None
I also have Night set to 10:00PM - 8:00AM, with Skip Checking Mail checked.
Here is the behavior I'm seeing:
The app does a sync at 8:00, as expected. Then often during the day I'll look at the last synced time, and it will be something like 10:09, or 10:23, or some weird time that isn't an "even" half hour (10:00, 10:30, etc.). The app will still check on the hour and half hour, in addition to these "weird" times. Essentially rather than checking only twice an hour, it checks 4 or 5 times an hour.
I feel like several versions ago it did it "correctly", only syncing on the even half hours.
Is there something I'm missing?
Thanks for a great app - one of my favorites on my phone.