Please click into AquaMail details, and check if it's same scenario:
If it is -- low wake lock time, high "mobile radio active" -- then there is nothing wrong with Aqua, it's this issue in Android 5.* itself, as proven by the discussions and the links and the screenshots above.
If not -- high wake lock time -- then that's something for me to look into.
Here are the stats from the two phones.
Note 4 (High Battery Usage): Aquamail Battery Usage 10%, CPU Total: 6m 18s, CPU Foreground: 37 sec, Stay Awake 33m 10s, Mobile Data Received: 14190, Mobile Data Sent: 12840, Total Connection Time: 8h 55m 39s.
G3 (Low Battery Usage): Aquamail Battery Usage 3%, CPU Total: 8m 9s, CPU Foreground: 26s, Keep Awake: 1h 3m 33s.
The Note 4 is actually doing much better today than yesterday. Yesterday the Note 4 listed Aquamail as using 26% battery. Today is is only 10%.
The G3 gives much less information on Aquamail usage than the Note 4.