Author Topic: Daha sade bir görünüm  (Read 3613 times)

Ayhan Arhan

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Daha sade bir görünüm
« on: February 22, 2015, 08:09:25 pm »
Merhaba, posta Üst kısmındaki isimlerin yanindaki posta adresleri Üzerine tıklayınca görünse daha temiz Bir görünüm olur.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Daha sade bir görünüm
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2015, 01:42:14 am »
Um, this is what I got in Google Translate:

Hi, mail AnIndAki year's figures in the upper part becomes clearer mail address Clicking on a view may seem.

Not sure I understand what it means.

Can you try English or Russian please?
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Re: Daha sade bir görünüm
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2015, 10:04:51 pm »
He is asking something I also considered as a nice addition. The possibility of toggling sender email address on/off when you tap on the name therefore a cleaner view. "Daha sade bir gorunum" translate into "more plain layout"

You have an option of displaying the full name with email address or fullname without email address, if that makes it cleaner.
Secenekler arasinda ust kisimda yazan isimlerin yaninkda post adresini devamli gosterme, veya kapatma secenegi bulunuyor. Istediginiz gibi ustune basinca gosteren bir opsiyon yok ama olsa guzel olur.

Here is my request, related but not the same thing:
I also hope you can implement tapping on other recipients in an email to display their contact information, as well as possibility of viewing recipient contact information in Compose screen. Before selecting recipient, it would be great if we can see the contact details/information or be able to read the notes,etc..