Author Topic: Recent Contacts  (Read 3020 times)


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Recent Contacts
« on: February 21, 2015, 12:08:46 am »
I use IMAP to access my Gmail.  I like the idea that Aquamail won't automatically add to my phone contacts and I found the "recent contacts" tab of the built in address picker which is almost perfect.  What I don't know is how "recent" works.  For example:

- Will it only have addresses from email currently on the device
- How many items will it keep
- Is there a way to have it retain addresses when there are no longer emails on the device that have that address.

Idea;;y, for me, keeping everything with a time limit (last N months or forever) would be perfect. 

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Recent Contacts
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2015, 11:31:31 pm »
The "recent" addresses are extracted from actual messages stored on the device, every time, there is no separate storage.

As older messages are trimmed from the device's storage, the addresses in those messages will disappear too -- unless there are other, more recent, messages with same addresses.

If you need some addresses / emails for long term use, I recommend saving them in system Contacts (People), by tapping the sender's image (or color chip) in message view mode.
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