Hello, i am having some issues using the Aqua Pro with an exchange email. We have a coorporate email which is say info(at)company(dot)com and which is hosted in outlook(dot)office365(dot)com. Apart from this email, staff have their own emails which they use to receive emails on their bbries and smartphones. For example my email is gl(at)company(dot)com and i have setup that up in Aqua using outlook office365 com. All emails to and from info(at)company com are forwarded to this address. Now, when i look at the message list, the outgoing messages (outgoing from info(at)company com) i do not see the receiver's email address but i see info(at)company com. I have to actually open the email to see to whom it is addressed. If on the other hand i change the email address in the setup of gl(at)company com, to info@company com then i do see the receiver's email in the message list, but now i cannot send emails, it will not let me, even thought the login credentilas as gl(at)company com etc are correct in the setup!! Any ideas??
Also, if i setup gl(at)company.com as an internet email account in Aqua, with outlook office365 com as incoming mail server and a different working smtp outgoing server etc then all works fine, however in the message list i cannot see again the recipients of the outgiong emails, even if do this time change the email address in the setup of the account to info(at)company com...
Please advise!! Its a wonderful programme.