Hello there,
I was wondering how does the reply to a mailing group actually work... I will explain my problem on an example:
Letsvsay there are 2 mailing groups: 1st is called group@googlegroups.com and second is called group@domain.com. lets say a person and I are subscribed to the both groups. A person sends an email to the group@googlegroups.com. I receive the email via aquamail. The sender of the email is the person and the receiver is group@googlegroups.com- everytning is ok. Now I want to reply so i press reply button (not reply to everyone). When a new draft is created the receiver of my email is group@googlegroups.com not the person, and thats how it should work. I can reply to the group.
In the second situation every condition is the same, but the group address- it is now group@domain.com.
When i try to reply to the email sent to the group in the new draft in the receiver box there is the person that I am replying to instead of group@googlegroups.com... Why?
I hope I described in an understandable way. I would aprichiate any help.