Yes, I'll got what "paris geek" meant...but I was just saying that a filepicker is much more "friendly" if you need to attach more than 1 file.
I am using Solid Explorer and off course this app has multiselection, but when you use it thru aquamail there is no "done" button to say youre done with the selection and want to go back to the email app...
This is NOT a fault in a Filemanager but a missing component in the email app itself.
Any of the emailapps that has its own filepicker and if you then choose to select your file with Solid Explorer instead (and not use the built-in filepicker), it wont work here either. As long as you want to choose several files IT HAS TO BE THRU ITS OWN FILEPICKER.
So maybe one day...when and if, there ever be time...maybe this is a good idea for addition in Aquamail .

And please DO KNOW THIS; I AM SUPER HAPPY WITH AQUAMAIL...and I wouldn't change it ever, even if it never gets its own filepicker.