Author Topic: trigger a tasker profile with different accounts, subjects etc - feature request  (Read 4268 times)


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I would like to have a profile which triggers when I get a mail from 1 of 2 accounts, so triggers when I get a mail from account 1 or 2. I could have 2 profiles, each triggering the same action, but it would be neater to have this in 1 profile if possible. It is possibly a feature request, as the best way would be to have the possibility to add 2 (or more) from, to, cc, subject etc . Maybe that is possible already but then I would like to know how

Kostya Vasilyev

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Right now all parts of a condition are AND'ed -- so for a condition to match, it has to match the account, and the subject (if specified), and the sender (if specified)...
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Ok. What I would like is a 'OR' for all those, and the possibility to have more than one from, to, etc... that would be great if that could be in a future version some time. It'll add a lot to a great app !