Add me to the (growing) list of those who would very much like to see integrated support for OpenPGP and S/MIME in AquaMail. I'm already an AquaMail Pro user, but I would pay extra for this feature if OpenKeyring were supported. How much would it take to convince Kostya to add OpenPGP and S/MIME support? GoFundMe or Kickstarter anyone?
Until then, there's a somewhat clunky way to send and receive encrypted messages with AquaMail and OpenKeyring.
Assuming OpenKeyring is installed, the private key has been added, and there's at least one public key for a contact, I compose a new message in AquaMail in the usual fashion. When I'm satisfied with it and ready to send, I "select all" and "cut". Then I switch to OpenKeyring and select "Encrypt text". I paste the message from the clipboard into the "Type text" area, select the recipient's key, select the signing key, and encrypt to clipboard. Switch back to AquaMail, open the draft that was automatically saved, paste the encrypted PGP message, and send.
Reading an encrypted message that you've received is similar. Most modern mail apps that support encryption use S/MIME attachments. Select "View" on the attachment menu in AquaMail, and select a text editor from the pop-up menu. In the text editor, "select all" and "copy". Switch to OpenKeyring, tap "Decrypt" and then "Decrypt from clipboard". After supplying your passphrase, OpenKeyring will display the decrypted message.
Replying to an encrypted message requires more copy/paste from OpenKeyring to AquaMail to get the decrypted original message into your reply, but it can be done.
As I said above, this is a clunky procedure, kind of kludgey, but it works. And it's all we have with AquaMail until support for encryption is integrated. Unfortunately it appears that we'll be waiting quite a while for that, perhaps indefinitely, according to Kostya's posts elsewhere on the forum.
I tried K-9 Mail, but it gave me an error with OpenKeyring and the 4096-bit key I imported. AquaMail remains the best email app I've tried on Android.
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