Author Topic: IMAP Push / Scheduled sync  (Read 9067 times)

arizona bay

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IMAP Push / Scheduled sync
« on: September 23, 2014, 01:17:36 am »

I'm sure this has been asked before but I can't seem to find a definitive answer. Simply, why does the 'Scheduled sync' option need to be ticked when IMAP Push is active since that will surely notify me when new emails arrive?

Also, is there a way I can turn IMAP Push off for when I turn my screen off?



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Re: IMAP Push / Scheduled sync
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2014, 09:48:22 am »
>> Also, is there a way I can turn IMAP Push off for when I turn my screen off?

No, and that's not a big issue. If you ask this question, that means actually that you don't need IMAP push, because you don't want that messages reach your device when the screen is off. When the screen is on, you can always sync manually (tap on the spinning wheel for that).

This could be an interesting feature!
My tablet stays at home the most time. Wifi is on all the time (i need that for a twitter sync all 4 hours). Don't need the mails to be pushed (battery issues). Pop3 all 4 hours is no option because it marks my mails as read AND doesnt help when i use the tablet (screen on).

Therefor it would be nice if push is available only when screen is on.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: IMAP Push / Scheduled sync
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2014, 01:30:36 am »
The screen switching on and off can come too fast, which would drain the battery even more -- on reconnects and re-initialization of push mail...
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Re: IMAP Push / Scheduled sync
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2016, 04:09:21 pm »

IMAP push on means: when a message reaches the server database, it is sent to AquaMail, and will appear in corresponding folder. IMAP is supposed to be a real time process.

Synchronisation means: make the changes that occurred on server side (delete, update, reply, star, read, etc.) available on device (client) side, and conversely. Sync is a scheduled process (event based and/or time based)

IMAP push will not replicate reading a message on the server, will not delete a message on the device if deleted on the server, etc.

So Push and Sync are not the same thing. The great advantage of AquaMail is to propose them separately, up to you to select one of them or both.

>> Also, is there a way I can turn IMAP Push off for when I turn my screen off?

No, and that's not a big issue. If you ask this question, that means actually that you don't need IMAP push, because you don't want that messages reach your device when the screen is off. When the screen is on, you can always sync manually (tap on the spinning wheel for that).

That is not true for me, by enabling IMAP, reading a new mail on my webmail, makes that email marked as read instantly on my aquamail account, also deleting it.
So indeed, as long as I can see, enabling IMAP and scheduled sync is a duplicate action.


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Re: IMAP Push / Scheduled sync
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2016, 04:25:58 pm »

IMAP push on means: when a message reaches the server database, it is sent to AquaMail, and will appear in corresponding folder. IMAP is supposed to be a real time process.

Synchronisation means: make the changes that occurred on server side (delete, update, reply, star, read, etc.) available on device (client) side, and conversely. Sync is a scheduled process (event based and/or time based)

IMAP push will not replicate reading a message on the server, will not delete a message on the device if deleted on the server, etc.

So Push and Sync are not the same thing. The great advantage of AquaMail is to propose them separately, up to you to select one of them or both.

>> Also, is there a way I can turn IMAP Push off for when I turn my screen off?

No, and that's not a big issue. If you ask this question, that means actually that you don't need IMAP push, because you don't want that messages reach your device when the screen is off. When the screen is on, you can always sync manually (tap on the spinning wheel for that).

That is not true for me, by enabling IMAP, reading a new mail on my webmail, makes that email marked as read instantly on my aquamail account, also deleting it.
So indeed, as long as I can see, enabling IMAP and scheduled sync is a duplicate action.
First of all, you probably meant "enabling IMAP PUSH and scheduled sync..." (As Paris Geek wrote), not just IMAP.
And while you can configure Push and Scheduled sync to be in complete duplication, the default settings provide some difference. So, if you enable Push, it is recommended to keep scheduled sync enabled as well.

In particular, one of the differences is the folders that are included in Push. By default, only Inbox is. So, the updates to Inbox are propagated quickly to your mobile device with Push enabled. However, changes in other folders (that you may have configured to sync; by default, Sent, Deleted, Drafts are configured to sync if present) will be updated only via scheduled sync.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 04:28:02 pm by StR »


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Re: IMAP Push / Scheduled sync
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2016, 02:27:27 am »
re: >> Also, is there a way I can turn IMAP Push off for when I turn my screen off?

I achieve this functionality by switching WiFi radio off (native Android option) when the device sleeps. Works a treat on WiFi only tanlets/gizmos.  Gets a bit dicer on dual radio devices like phones. Can be done (eg: Greenify Aquamail) but usually involves usability compromises. Depends what you are looking for.