Author Topic: Spanish  (Read 104751 times)


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Re: Spanish
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2016, 02:50:41 am »
I am not a fluent in Spanish, so, this might be not the best translation. So, any person with more knowledge is welcome to correct. In the mean time:
<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive">Marcar como leído cuando archivar</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive_summary">Marcar mensajes leídos cuando se mueve para Archivo</string>
<string name="prefs_category_special_silent_summary">Configuraciones especiales de noches y fines de semana para esta cuenta</string>
<string name="prefs_category_special_send_notify_summary">Configuraciones especiales de envío para esta cuenta</string>

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Spanish
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2016, 09:14:09 pm »
Maybe it'll help to compare with similar strings?

    <string name="prefs_ui_main_read_deleted">Marcar como leído al borrar</string>
    <string name="prefs_ui_main_read_deleted_summary">Marca los mensajes como leídos cuando se mueven a [ Papelera ]</string>
    <string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive">Marcar como leído cuando archivar</string>
    <string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive_summary">Marcar mensajes leídos cuando se mueve para Archivo</string>


    <string name="prefs_category_special_sync_summary">Opciones de sincronizacion especificas para esta cuenta</string>
    <string name="prefs_category_special_notify_summary">Notificaciones de mensaje especificas para esta cuenta</string>
    <string name="prefs_category_special_silent_summary">Configuraciones especiales de noches y fines de semana para esta cuenta</string>
    <string name="prefs_category_special_send_notify_summary">Configuraciones especiales de envío para esta cuenta</string>
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Re: Spanish
« Reply #32 on: January 30, 2016, 01:45:52 am »
Maybe it'll help to compare with similar strings?

    <string name="prefs_ui_main_read_deleted">Marcar como leído al borrar</string>
    <string name="prefs_ui_main_read_deleted_summary">Marca los mensajes como leídos cuando se mueven a [ Papelera ]</string>
    <string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive">Marcar como leído cuando archivar</string>
    <string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive_summary">Marcar mensajes leídos cuando se mueve para Archivo</string>

I believe
<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive">Marcar como leído al archivar</string>
(which makes it parallel to the older one) is also correct. Actually, Google translate offers that version.
I was considering that. Not being a native speaker, I am not 100% sure which of the two is better, but I believe the one I posted first might be more correct.
Also, if you were to compare to the Portuguese (Marcar como lidas quando arquivar) and Italian (Segna come letto quando archivi) versions, you can see the parallels.
I would also think that <string name="prefs_ui_main_read_deleted">Marcar como leído cuando borrar</string> might sound more correct.
Essentially, the difference between the two is something like this: Mark read "when archived" (cuando archivar) vs Mark read "archived" or "[while] archiving" (al archivar)

But it comes to the question of what is "commonly used".

(a) <string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive_summary">Marcar los mensajes como leídos cuando se mueven a Archivo</string> vs
(b) <string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive_summary">Marcar mensajes leídos cuando se mueve para Archivo</string>

If the old translation "<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_deleted_summary">Marca los mensajes como leídos cuando se mueven a [ Papelera ]</string>" came from a native speaker, go with (a).
(And I suspect a typo, - it should be marcar.)
Otherwise based on comparison with what is used by other big software manufacturers, -
I would go with this:
<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive_summary">Marcar mensajes leídos cuando se mueve a Archivo</string>

Cf. "Marcar mensajes como leídos o no leídos"ídos-o-no-leídos-c2fe6aa6-8b56-49ec-a88a-4f02a0c1a588 .
(The article "los" is acceptable, but it is "Mark the messages that are deleted read" vs. "Mark messages read when deleted")
"se mueve" vs "se mueven" is "when deleting" vs. "when deleted".

By the way, in addition to "borrar" that is used in the older translation, "eliminar" can be used.
Those are equivalent to "delete" and "remove", respectively.
I assume, both are acceptable, but Google uses "eliminar" in their support pages for Gmail:
Se under "Android 4.0 y versiones posteriores" -> "Acciones de archivar y eliminar".

    <string name="prefs_category_special_sync_summary">Opciones de sincronizacion especificas para esta cuenta</string>
    <string name="prefs_category_special_notify_summary">Notificaciones de mensaje especificas para esta cuenta</string>
    <string name="prefs_category_special_silent_summary">Configuraciones especiales de noches y fines de semana para esta cuenta</string>
    <string name="prefs_category_special_send_notify_summary">Configuraciones especiales de envío para esta cuenta</string>

First of all, I think that "especificas" means more "specific" as opposed to "special" (especiales). And the context here asks for "special".  So, I would argue that the previous translations are not quite correct. "Especiales" is a better choice for all 4 strings.
Here is the thing: "specific" for account is correct (means that they are for this account only), but I think you really mean that those settings are special, i.e. different (from the rest). And that's why you use it like that in English. My linguistic intuition suggests that in Spanish, it is exactly the same.

The second difference is between "Opciones" (options) vs "Configuracion" (configuration, settings).
Both are usable, but you understand the slight difference.
E.g. Office[.com] uses "Configuración" for where you use "Settings" in Aquamail" (as a menu option).
See. e.g. in item 3:ón-de-OneDrive-para-la-Empresa-o-bibliotecas-de-sitio-en-su-equipo-23e1f12b-d896-4cb1-a238-f91d19827a16
But they use " seleccionar la opción Sincronizar." (select the option "syncronize") for the particular option.
So, I think "Configuraciones" is more appropriate in all of these 4 strings.

So, with those two conclusions in mind and correcting myself (where I also omitted a word accidentally) based on the older ones, I propose:

    <string name="prefs_category_special_silent_summary">Configuración de noches y fines de semana especiales para esta cuenta</string>

one of the two versions:
    <string name="prefs_category_special_send_notify_summary">Configuraciónes de notificaciones de envío especiales para esta cuenta</string>
 <string name="prefs_category_special_send_notify_summary">Notificaciones de envío especiales para esta cuenta</string>

These are essentially:
"Configuration of send notifications, special for this account" vs
"Send notifications, special for this account" (Here, I am keeping the word order that is not natural for English just to highlight the difference)
IMHO, both are equally acceptable, and I hope the difference is clear for you to make the call.

And I would strongly recommend to consider:
<string name="prefs_category_special_sync_summary">Opciones (or Configuración{?}) de sincronizacion especiales para esta cuenta</string>
    <string name="prefs_category_special_notify_summary">Notificaciones de mensaje especiales para esta cuenta</string>

I would also suggest reviewing this possible changes:
<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_deleted">Marcar como leído cuando borrar</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_deleted_summary">Marcar los mensajes como leídos cuando se mueve{n?} a [ Papelera ]</string>

Now, I am ducking for cover in case a proficient Spanish native speaker gets to read all this.  ;D

Edited: Corrected myself:  Configuraciónes -> Configuración
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 02:09:01 am by StR »


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Re: Spanish
« Reply #33 on: January 30, 2016, 01:56:03 am »

I am looking at Gmail help pages. They consistently use "Eliminar" (instead of "borrar"):
It doesn't render "borrar" wrong, but suggests that "eliminar" is a common term use for messages.
(despite "borrar" being more literal translation for "delete" as opposed to "remove" for "eliminar")

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Spanish
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2016, 09:41:20 pm »
Thank you.

Re: borrar -> eliminar, some of the below items have "wordforms", i.e. "borrara", "borraran".

Anyone wants to help?

<item quantity="other">%d mensajes se borraran totalmente.</item>
<item quantity="one">Un mensaje se borrara totalmente.</item>

<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_deleted">Marcar como leído cuando borrar</string>

<string name="prefs_ui_confirm_delete_summary">Pide confirmacion antes de borrar mensajes</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_after_delete">Al borrar mensaje</string>
<string name="account_options_prefs_imap_expunge_summary">Mandar orden de purgado despues de borrar / mover mensajes</string>
<string name="data_message_actions_description">Marcar mensajes leidos, borrar</string>
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Re: Spanish
« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2016, 10:12:09 pm »
Re: borrar -> eliminar, some of the below items have "wordforms", i.e. "borrara", "borraran".

Anyone wants to help?

Sorry, my brain is too swamped with my work project at the moment to make a careful judgement.
But in the mean time, - just a "mechanical" response (assuming the previous translations were correct/optimum:

borrar - infinitive
ellos/ustedes borraran - Imperfect subjunctive (3rd person plural)
yo borrara - Imperfect Subjunctive (1st person plural)
ellos/ustedes borrarán - Future (3rd person plural)

The equivalents will be (respectively):
yo eliminara
ellos/ustedes eliminaran
ellos/ustedes eliminarán

(I suspect that it is subjunctive, not future form that has been used here, but I didn't analyzed the contextual meaning of the strings.)

I hope it helps.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 10:13:52 pm by StR »

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Spanish
« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2016, 10:37:55 pm »
I don't understand Spanish at all, so hopefully somebody else comes along and updates the complete phrases I posted above. Until then I'm too afraid to touch them.
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Spanish
« Reply #37 on: February 03, 2016, 12:33:05 am »
Thank you. Some more that go with those (just found it):

    <string name="prefs_ui_confirm_delete">Confirmar borrado</string>
    <string name="prefs_ui_confirm_delete_summary">Pide confirmacion antes de eliminar mensajes</string>

And searching for "borrado", I'm findind these:

<string name="confirm_delete_message_unknown">Algunos mensajes pueden ser borrados del servidor.</string>
<string name="confirm_delete_message_some">Los mensajes seran borrados</string>
<string name="account_options_prefs_sync_deleted">Eliminar mensajes borrados</string>
<string name="account_options_prefs_sync_deleted_summary">Eliminar mensajes borrados del servidor</string>
<string name="account_options_prefs_pop3_delayed_delete">Compatibilidad de borrado del servidor</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_confirm_delete">Confirmar borrado</string>
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Spanish
« Reply #38 on: February 03, 2016, 12:33:41 am »
And then we have these, new:

<!-- strings_message_display.xml -->

<string name="message_display_read_receipt_sending">Sending read receipt…</string>

<!-- strings_prefs.xml -->

<string name="prefs_display_send_read_receipt_auto">Send read receipts</string>
<string name="prefs_display_send_read_receipt_auto_summary">Send read receipts without prompting</string>
<string name="prefs_notify_led_color_use_account">Use account color</string>
<string name="prefs_notify_led_color_use_account_summary">Use the account color (if set) for the LED</string>
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Spanish
« Reply #39 on: February 03, 2016, 01:37:08 am »
Thank you!
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Spanish
« Reply #40 on: February 04, 2016, 12:57:12 am »
Yes, this is "read receipt" although there is code for "delivery receipts" it was never enabled and isn't / shouldn't be visible in the UI:

Searching for "recibo":

205:    <string name="account_options_prefs_new_request_receipt">Acuse de recibo</string>
206:    <string name="account_options_prefs_new_request_receipt_summary">Establecer \"Acuse de recibo\" por defecto</string>
568:    <string name="new_message_menu_read_receipt">Acuse de recibo</string>
569:    <string name="new_message_read_receipt_prompt">Acuse de recibo requerido</string>

39:    <string name="new_message_menu_delivery_receipt">Solicitar recibo de entrega</string>
40:    <string name="new_message_delivery_receipt_prompt">Solicitar recibo de entrega</string>

45:    <string name="account_options_prefs_new_request_receipt">Solicitar recibo</string>
46:    <string name="account_options_prefs_new_request_receipt_summary">Definir \"pedido de recibo\" por defeito</string>

Originals (English):

    <string name="account_options_prefs_new_request_receipt">Request read receipt</string>
    <string name="account_options_prefs_new_request_receipt_summary">Request read receipt by default</string>
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Re: Spanish
« Reply #41 on: February 04, 2016, 08:36:59 am »
Paris Geek: You are right, "recibo" is incorrect here.
Whoever translated that did not understand what "read receipt" was, and just mixed it up.

 "... de lectura" sounds reasonable. But I am not sure if it is "acuse .." or "contestación ..."

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Spanish
« Reply #42 on: February 18, 2016, 10:43:55 pm »
*** es: Missing transations: 17

<!-- strings_help.xml -->

<string name="help_hint_calibri">Android doesn\'t come with Calibri or Georgia preinstalled.\n\nYou may not see the actual appearance.</string>

<!-- strings_message_list.xml -->

<string name="message_list_menu_sort_reset_default">Reset saved setting</string>

<!-- strings_ical.xml -->

<string name="ical_dialog_set_reminder">Set a reminder (if not declined)</string>
<string name="ical_reminder_format">%1$s before</string>
<plurals name="ical_reminder_week_plural">
   <item quantity="one">%1$d week</item>
   <item quantity="other">%1$d weeks</item>
<plurals name="ical_reminder_day_plural">
   <item quantity="one">%1$d day</item>
   <item quantity="other">%1$d days</item>
<plurals name="ical_reminder_hour_plural">
   <item quantity="one">%1$d hour</item>
   <item quantity="other">%1$d hours</item>
<plurals name="ical_reminder_minute_plural">
   <item quantity="one">%1$d minute</item>
   <item quantity="other">%1$d minutes</item>

<!-- strings_prefs.xml -->

<string name="prefs_contacts_compose_offer_recents">Recent addresses</string>
<string name="prefs_contacts_compose_offer_recents_summary">Offer addresses from recent messages, not saved in system Contacts</string>
<string name="prefs_calendar_alarm_1d">1 day before</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_header_select">Tap header to select</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_header_select_summary">Selects entire message list section</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_single_tap_select">Tap anywhere to select</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_single_tap_select_summary">If there is a selection already</string>
<string name="prefs_notify_led_color_use_account">Use account color</string>
<string name="prefs_notify_led_color_use_account_summary">Use the account color (if set) for the LED</string>
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Re: Spanish
« Reply #43 on: February 27, 2016, 05:13:57 am »
Paris Geek: You are right, "recibo" is incorrect here.
Whoever translated that did not understand what "read receipt" was, and just mixed it up.

 "... de lectura" sounds reasonable. But I am not sure if it is "acuse .." or "contestación ..."

Thank you @StR
To me it's "acuse de lectura" or "confirmación de lectura" (in French, both would be correct - "acuse" is shorter than "confirmación", however).
Native spanish speakers help is needed here.
Please be aware that "delivery receipt" is different from "read receipt" even though I suppose that in daily language people are mainly using "recibo" for all situations. Same in French - everybody says "accusé de réception" and rarely "accusé de lecture").

I am sorry to say to all of you "doubting" people....and also say that you are wrong regarding the use of the word LECTURA.

I AM A NATIVE SPANISH SPEAKING PERSON...thank you....and have to say first of all....DONT YOU EVER FORGET that a french word can be VERY similar to a spanish word but has a totally different meaning. One of my best friends are a french teacher so believe me....we have had a lot of fun with words like this.
Anyway....the word RECIBO in this case is a VERB (almost the same as RECIBIDO) not substantive and is used in LATIN AMERICAN SPANISH as an written acknowledgement for something (anything) received.
 The word LECTURA is NEVER used in cases like this...If I should try to explain it in an easy way, you could say it is translated as READING, anf is explained for the use as "a process of interpreting written language".

The translations in the spanish version of Aquamail and these two strings discussed, read and delivery receipt ARE CORRECT, but if anyone wants a shorter version it can also be said like this;
Read receipt = Acuse leído
Delivery receipt = Acuse entrega

I also hope that every person NOT NATIVE SPEAKING SPANISH can understand that with VERY MANY WORDS/SENTENCES you can NEVER get it right using Google translate or a dictionary compared to HOW you talk/say it in the native tongue.

Imagine....on some public forma we have here in my country, it says "Acuse de recibo" which correctly translated to English is "Confirm that you have read it".....but if I translate from a dictionary;  "Accuse the receipt" which is off course funny....
I could list here hundreds of words/sentences only from Aquamail that is translated in a way that a person with only a dictionary wouldn't get any way with it....because we have "our own way" of saying things.

If you have more problems with understanding the spanish translation, rather send a message to me and we take the discussion "eye to eye" better than just confuse Kostya with things like this which is just totally unnecessary and interrupt his valuable "developing time".


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Re: Spanish
« Reply #44 on: February 27, 2016, 10:50:01 am »
Julio, first of all, -both Paris Geek and I were requesting the expertise of a native speaker. So, there is no reason to be fuming... :)

Having carefully read your explanation I am confused, and have two questions for you.

As far as I understand, you wrote:
... on some public forma we have here in my country, it says "Acuse de recibo" which correctly translated to English is "Confirm that you have read it"
So, you mean that it is correct to use "Acuse de recibo" for "Read Receipt".

But everywhere where I can see (in Spanish), "Acuse de recibo" term is explained as a confirmation of receiving, not reading.
(And I have seen at many more just now once again.)

... and also say that you are wrong regarding the use of the word LECTURA.
The word LECTURA is NEVER used in cases like this...

If you search for "Confirmaciones de lectura", you'll find many pages showing that expression as a term for exactly what we are discussing here.
Google/Gmail support pages in Spanish:
Cnet (Spanish version) describing a feature in WhatsApp:
And WhatsApp itself:
While I could have easily admitted that one of these tech companies made a mistake by using some automated translator, I doubt that all of them followed that route, especially since it's very easy to find a Spanish native speaker in the US. Why none of millions of Spanish-speaking users of Gmail, and WhatsApp have never complained to Google, MS and WhatsApp about this "wrong" usage of the term?

I don't know if some regional variations play a role here (Spain vs Mexico vs South America), but
I am confused by your "NEVER".
I guess, it might be possible that it's a technical jargon that is based on broken Spanish (as sometimes one can find common computer terms based on incorrect English)...

Would you mind helping to resolve my confusion?

Thank you in advance!


PS. Having re-read your message multiple times, I am thinking if there is some misunderstanding, so, just in case let me summarize what Paris Geek and I meant.
There were these strings, in which "recibo" was used for "read receipt" (not "delivery receipt"). Paris Geek has pointed out this discrepancy, and I have agreed:
"568:    <string name="new_message_menu_read_receipt">Acuse de recibo</string>
569:    <string name="new_message_read_receipt_prompt">Acuse de recibo requerido</string>

39:    <string name="new_message_menu_delivery_receipt">Solicitar recibo de entrega</string>
40:    <string name="new_message_delivery_receipt_prompt">Solicitar recibo de entrega</string>

45:    <string name="account_options_prefs_new_request_receipt">Solicitar recibo</string>
46:    <string name="account_options_prefs_new_request_receipt_summary">Definir \"pedido de recibo\" por defeito</string>

Originals (English):

    <string name="account_options_prefs_new_request_receipt">Request read receipt</string>
    <string name="account_options_prefs_new_request_receipt_summary">Request read receipt by default</string>
568:    <string name="new_message_menu_read_receipt">Acuse de recibo</string>
569:    <string name="new_message_read_receipt_prompt">Acuse de recibo requerido</string>

45:    <string name="account_options_prefs_new_request_receipt">Solicitar recibo</string>
46:    <string name="account_options_prefs_new_request_receipt_summary">Definir \"pedido de recibo\" por defeito</string>

Originals (English):

    <string name="account_options_prefs_new_request_receipt">Request read receipt</string>
    <string name="account_options_prefs_new_request_receipt_summary">Request read receipt by default</string>

Are you talking about these strings while saying: "The translations in the spanish version of Aquamail and these two strings discussed, read and delivery receipt ARE CORRECT"?