Maybe it'll help to compare with similar strings?
<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_deleted">Marcar como leído al borrar</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_deleted_summary">Marca los mensajes como leídos cuando se mueven a [ Papelera ]</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive">Marcar como leído cuando archivar</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive_summary">Marcar mensajes leídos cuando se mueve para Archivo</string>
I believe
<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive">Marcar como leído al archivar</string>
(which makes it parallel to the older one) is also correct. Actually, Google translate offers that version.
I was considering that. Not being a native speaker, I am not 100% sure which of the two is better, but I believe the one I posted first might be more correct.
Also, if you were to compare to the Portuguese (Marcar como lidas quando arquivar) and Italian (Segna come letto quando archivi) versions, you can see the parallels.
I would also think that <string name="prefs_ui_main_read_deleted">Marcar como leído cuando borrar</string> might sound more correct.
Essentially, the difference between the two is something like this: Mark read "when archived" (cuando archivar) vs Mark read "archived" or "[while] archiving" (al archivar)
But it comes to the question of what is "commonly used".
(a) <string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive_summary">Marca
r los mensajes como leídos cuando se mueven a Archivo</string> vs
(b) <string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive_summary">Marcar mensajes leídos cuando se mueve para Archivo</string>
If the old translation "<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_deleted_summary">Marca los mensajes como leídos cuando se mueven a [ Papelera ]</string>" came from a native speaker, go with (a).
(And I suspect a typo, - it should be
Otherwise based on comparison with what is used by other big software manufacturers, -
I would go with this:
<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_archive_summary">Marcar mensajes leídos cuando se mueve a Archivo</string>Cf. "Marcar mensajes como leídos o no leídos"ídos-o-no-leídos-c2fe6aa6-8b56-49ec-a88a-4f02a0c1a588 .
(The article "los" is acceptable, but it is "Mark
the messages that are deleted read" vs. "Mark messages read when deleted")
"se mueve" vs "se mueven" is "when deleting" vs. "when deleted".
By the way, in addition to "borrar" that is used in the older translation, "eliminar" can be used.
Those are equivalent to "delete" and "remove", respectively.
I assume, both are acceptable, but Google uses "eliminar" in their support pages for Gmail: under "Android 4.0 y versiones posteriores" -> "Acciones de archivar y eliminar".
<string name="prefs_category_special_sync_summary">Opciones de sincronizacion especificas para esta cuenta</string>
<string name="prefs_category_special_notify_summary">Notificaciones de mensaje especificas para esta cuenta</string>
<string name="prefs_category_special_silent_summary">Configuraciones especiales de noches y fines de semana para esta cuenta</string>
<string name="prefs_category_special_send_notify_summary">Configuraciones especiales de envío para esta cuenta</string>
First of all, I think that "especificas" means more "specific" as opposed to "special" (especiales). And the context here asks for "special". So, I would argue that the previous translations are not quite correct. "Especiales" is a better choice for all 4 strings.
Here is the thing: "specific" for account is correct (means that they are for this account only), but I think you really mean that those settings are
special, i.e. different (from the rest). And that's why you use it like that in English. My linguistic intuition suggests that in Spanish, it is exactly the same.
The second difference is between "Opciones" (options) vs "Configuracion" (configuration, settings).
Both are usable, but you understand the slight difference.
E.g. Office[.com] uses "Configuración" for where you use "Settings" in Aquamail" (as a menu option).
See. e.g. in item 3:ón-de-OneDrive-para-la-Empresa-o-bibliotecas-de-sitio-en-su-equipo-23e1f12b-d896-4cb1-a238-f91d19827a16
But they use " seleccionar la opción Sincronizar." (select the option "syncronize") for the particular option.
So, I think "Configuracion
es" is more appropriate in all of these 4 strings.
So, with those two conclusions in mind and correcting myself (where I also omitted a word accidentally) based on the older ones, I propose:
<string name="prefs_category_special_silent_summary">Configuración de noches y fines de semana especiales para esta cuenta</string>
one of the two versions:
<string name="prefs_category_special_send_notify_summary">Configuraciónes de notificaciones de envío especiales para esta cuenta</string>
<string name="prefs_category_special_send_notify_summary">Notificaciones de envío especiales para esta cuenta</string>These are essentially:
"Configuration of send notifications, special for this account" vs
"Send notifications, special for this account" (Here, I am keeping the word order that is not natural for English just to highlight the difference)
IMHO, both are equally acceptable, and I hope the difference is clear for you to make the call.
And I would strongly recommend to consider:
<string name="prefs_category_special_sync_summary">Opciones (or
Configuración{?}) de sincronizacion
especiales para esta cuenta</string>
<string name="prefs_category_special_notify_summary">Notificaciones de mensaje
especiales para esta cuenta</string>
I would also suggest reviewing this possible changes:
<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_deleted">Marcar como leído cuando borrar</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_main_read_deleted_summary">Marca
r los mensajes como leídos cuando se mueve{
n?} a [ Papelera ]</string>
Now, I am ducking for cover in case a
proficient Spanish native speaker gets to read all this.

Edited: Corrected myself: Configuraciónes -> Configuración