Author Topic: Not receiving new mail notif. for one of my three accounts (the non-push one)  (Read 4856 times)


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I set up tailored notifications for my three email accounts. Two are gmail (push/imap). These are working fine. The third is not push (it's through Yahoo small business). For this account, mail comes to my phone but with no notification: no (color-coded) icon, no vibrate, no sound, and they immediately appear non-bold (i.e.  as read). Any help to get this fixed would be much appreciated!

Kostya Vasilyev

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Well, if they appear already marked read, then there won't be any notifications...

Is the account set up using IMAP?

To check: long press the account -> account setup -> Manual. You'll be looking at incoming server settings. There should be a disabled, but readable "IMAP" or "POP3" near the top of the screen.

If it's IMAP:

IMAP synchronizes read/unread state with the server. If the messages are coming in as already marked read, it means that's what AquaMail is getting from the server.

1 - If you have a desktop mail app accessing same account over POP3, please switch it to IMAP (you may need to re-create the account in this app).

Most mail services will mark a message read in web mail (and IMAP) if it's been accessed using POP3.

2 - If you don't, this could be an issue with Yahoo. I vaguely recall this type of read/unread state mismatch from someone else's bug report (which turned out to be a server side issue).

Please check that there are unread messages in web mail, then run this test in Aqua:

Long press the account -> "Diag: message dates" -> choose INBOX -> run to completion, email me the log file (you'll be prompted). With this log, I'll be able to tell if the server is reporting any messages as unread.
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

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thank you! Laptop was set up for Pop, phone Imap, hence the problem.