Two issues:
- I've noticed that the %unreadcount after receiving an email (accountNotification) is the actual unread count minus one? Is that a bug?
- %issilent is never populated. Not sure why. I don't really need it, but I would expect some value there.
And - for other Tasker users, it took some time for me to understand how to do actually this in Tasker, so here's some help to get you started:
1. Create a new profile. This profile will be triggered when you receive email. Choose "Event" and "System". Select "Intent Received".
2. As "Action", fill in "org.kman.AquaMail.accountNotification" (without quotes). Leave the other fields as they are.
3. Add a task. Just create a popup with text "%accountid, %unreadcount, %hasnew, %issmartlist, %issilent". (Notice lower case letters only.)
4. Create a new profile. This profile will be triggered when you mark email as read and unread in AquaMail. Choose "Event" and "System". Select "Intent Received".
5. As "Action", fill in "org.kman.AquaMail.stateChange" (without quotes). Leave the other fields as they are.
6. Use the task you previously added for simplicity.
Try to send yourself an email. You you should get some data to play.