Author Topic: Dual-SIM phones: scheduled sync not working with 'background' or auto-sync off  (Read 6680 times)


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Hi Kostya / anybody,

Happy long-time AquaMail user. Having a weird problem with scheduled sync on 2 different dual-sim phones (Sony & Asus, both running JB 4.3). I keep "background data" and "auto-sync" turned off on the phone. I set AquaMail to do a scheduled check even if background / auto-sync are disabled (tried each setting one at a time), but it simply won't do a scheduled check...I have to do them manually. I had applied the same settings on  my single sim phones, and the scheduled checks worked ok. I'm connecting to IMAP servers, no push.

Is there anything on a dual sim device that would prevent the new mail check from taking place "even if background / auto-sync" are disabled? I've been looking at all the settings, and don't see anything abnormal that would prevent the scheduled checks from occurring, so I'm at a loss for what to do.

Thanks for any info.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Dual sim support is not a feature of Android code as it comes out of Google. Every manufacturer does it in their software on their own.

Since I don't own any dual sim phones, I need a debug log.
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

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Privet Kostya,

I am also a happy long-time Aquamail pro user. I used your app with success on several dual sim phones.

Now I changed to dual sim Huawei ascend G730 with Andorid 4.2.2 and I have the same problems like AC3: No scheduled sync is possible. I can manually sync and also if an enabled event occur (like wifi conection etc.) the app sync exactly one time.

In the security settings of Android I gave all rights to AquaMail but it did not help. No scheduled sync.

Do you have any idea?




Kostya Vasilyev

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@taigajoe - no debug log from you either?

Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

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