Author Topic: Aquamail won't send emails  (Read 5437 times)


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Aquamail won't send emails
« on: July 13, 2014, 01:53:58 pm »
I have been using Aqua Mail no problems but then a few days ago I was unable to send emails from my Samsung S4.
They appear in the sent box on my phone (also appear on my laptop running MS Outlook and also my BT/Yahoo web browser) but they are not received by the people sent to.
I am running IMAP with settings:- In/out Server:, Port: 993, SSL Encryption: Enabled.

I have deleted the aqua mail account on my mobile and reconfigured it as above (strangely it retained all of my personalisation of my Aqua Mail)
This is an identical issue I had when using the Samsung standard “@” email app a few months ago. This is when I started using Aqua Mail and since then no problems until now.
Also MS Outlook has stopped syncing with deleted items on phone (but BT browser syncs ok)

Anybody have any idea what the issue is?

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Aquamail won't send emails
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2014, 02:17:16 am »
For sending, since you were seeing it with another app as well, it sounds like a server issue.

Since it's Samsung's Email, you can contact BT's support and they won't tell you to just go away (and they almost certainly will if you mention a third party mail app).

On the second issue with Deleted -- the way it's supposed to work, Aqua syncs with the mail server, Outlook (and whatever else you're using for this account) also syncs with same mail server, and Aqua and Outlook may *appear* to sync with one another, but they really don't.

Please use web mail to determine which side of this scheme still works (Aqua <-> web mail, or web mail <-> Outlook) and which is broken.
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