Thank you.
First, the device's connectivity appears to be sub-par, often lost.
Second, the mail server @mailbox.org sends a "* OK Still here" on the IDLE connections *once a every minute or two*, this wakes up the device (as expected).
This is a Dovecot thing. In general, it's good -- prevents IMAP IDLE network connections from being aborted by the networks between the Android device and the server.
However, doing it once every minute or two is too much.
Aqua is aware of those Dovecot keep-alives, and doesn't do anything at all -- however, this wakes up the device at the network stack level (and then it's counted towards Aqua, since it's Aqua's network connections).
You can tell the people behind the mail service to adjust the setting to five, maybe seven minutes:
# dovecot.conf
protocol imap {
imap_idle_notify_interval = 5 mins
This would benefit everyone who uses their mail service with IMAP IDLE on a mobile device, no matter what the mail app.