So, to clarify, can i ask:
I switched from pop to imap a long time ago, but the dates were originally shown by the then version of aqua mail with the date in the message as sent. I now use the latest version downloaded yesterday, so does this mean that the dates that used to be shown more or less correctly (plus or minus timezone and clock setting hiccups) will now show the date i loaded them to the imap server? Even though in the past they have been shown in aquamail with the senders idea of date and time?
In comparison to the original poster, i had nineteen thousand, not merely hundreds, like that, stretching over several years.
It could make searching for specific emails very difficult indeed, as the order in which they were put on the server by me was not strictly chronological - something that was of somewhat minor concern to me as the dates shown were still what i expected. I had in fact divided them into blocks of a couple of hundred and loaded the oldest block first, and so on, up to the most recent. A quirk of how i did this using thunderbird means that within each block of 200 or so, the messages were actually copied newest first, except for the most recent block which was oldest first, once i had spotted how to do this. As a result, my older messages are now not even in sequential order, if the time loaded onto the server is now all that counts. Oh dear, I would rather the senders idea of date (wrong as it may be), than having my messages in a scrambled order.
Is there any chance an *option* to display and sort by the time sent could be offered some time in the future?
I am aware that i can view the headers to recover time and date info, but only once i have found the email!
And yes, i do recognise the problem of duff dates, and have a number that are 8 hours out (an old microsoft problem), 1 hour out (daylight time, or server in another country), and yes, even 00:00 1 Jan 1970 (date is zero)