Author Topic: Emails frequently have empty bodies  (Read 12200 times)


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Emails frequently have empty bodies
« on: March 31, 2014, 02:55:37 am »
I am having a new problem that with Aqua Mail that is happening several times a day.

When viewing the email list either in the account's inbox or the Smart List when I click on an email to view it the email headers show but the body is empty.

The app is fully functional. I can browse forward or backward to other emails but they too are all blank. The only fix is to go into Android's app settings and force close the Aqua Mail app.

After force closing I may be able to get through another dozen emails or so before it happens again. Other times I'll get the blank body problem recurring within 2 or 3 emails.

Any ideas?


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Re: Emails frequently have empty bodies
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2014, 07:04:26 am »
I have been having this same problem for the last three days or so. Unpredictable. Sometime message bodies appear after a while - only to disappear when I open the AquaMail app later. Have tried full stop as original poster. No consistent effect. Running version 1.3.8 on a Nexus 10 Kitkat tablet.


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Re: Emails frequently have empty bodies
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2014, 05:07:58 pm »
I am also running KitKat 4.4.2 stock on the Nexus 5.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Emails frequently have empty bodies
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2014, 01:57:27 am »
@jalan --

Can you check something in the device's system settings?

Please take a look if you have a section labeled "{} Developer Options", and if you do, open that, and see if "Force GPU Rendering" is enabled (checked). If it is, please turn it off.

If not there, could you try AquaMail settings -> Debug (very end) -> Enable (check) "Disable GPU"?
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Re: Emails frequently have empty bodies
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2014, 02:27:00 am »
The "Force GPU Rendering" setting in Developer Options was NOT checked, so I left it alone.  I have enabled the "Disable GPU" setting in the AquaMail settings.  I will report back in a few days after frequent use.

In other forum, it was recommended to try using an unencrypted IMAP server (port 143).  Is this worth trying as well?

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Emails frequently have empty bodies
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2014, 10:01:05 pm »
The port has nothing to do with it.

Do you, by any chance, use an app called LastPass?

This is from another user who noticed the same issue:

I went back through some recently installed apps including an update to the LastPass password mgmt app which included a new background service to supply passwords to apps (not just web pages.)

All the messages I had in AquaMail began to display after I stopped the LastPass service (not the app but the service under Accessibility.)

My app, just like many others, uses a system component called WebView to display HTML (for plain text messages, too). This component was rewritten in Android 4.4, and sounds LastPass has some compatibility issues.
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Re: Emails frequently have empty bodies
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2014, 06:46:46 pm »
Interesting. Yes, I am also a LastPass premium customer and I have enabled the accessibility service. From my memory however, I could swear that this HTML rendering issue occurred prior to the lastpass app update but I cannot be sure of that.

As a LastPass premier customer, I have access to priority technical support so I have raised the issue formally with them and will await their response. However, I seemed to have had positive results from your suggestion to disable GPU rendering in the aqua mail settings. Since doing that, even with the last pass accessibility services turned on, I had yet to experience a recurrence of this problem.


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Re: Emails frequently have empty bodies
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2014, 09:50:28 pm »
LastPass support responded that they do not use WebView in their accessibility service. Therefore don't know how there would be an HTML rendering problem.

BUT, within the LastPass settings in the "Edit App Associations" there is an option to turn off LastPass functionality for specific apps. I've set AquaMail and the AquaMail to off in the LastPass settings.

It will be difficult to know whether this is the solution though because as I said, disabling the setting in AquaMail mentioned above also has resulted in no more occurrences of the problem.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Emails frequently have empty bodies
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2014, 08:49:04 pm »
Two others users who contacted me directly about this -- reported that turning off LastPass (yes, they also had it installed) resolved the  issue for them.

I spent a bit of time with LastPass support, and they admitted that there is an issue. They do not intentionally intercept WebView, but since 4.4's WebView is all-new, they can't tell what is a WebView and what isn't.

I expressed interest in being able to blacklist certain screens in AquaMail from LastPass's password filling, hopefully something comes of this.

Meanwhile, as they're working to improve compatibility, one of their developers would appreciate hearing from a user who actually ran into this issue. If you're interested, please email me at kmansoft / gmail, and I'll provide the developer's email.
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Re: Emails frequently have empty bodies
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2014, 05:50:13 pm »
Thank you  :)

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Emails frequently have empty bodies
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2014, 02:00:18 am »
I exchanged a few messages with lead developer at Last Pass a few days ago.

They've put Aqua on their blacklist -- i.e. won't try to integrate with their new "apps not just web browser" password filling.

You will need to "update your vault" (hope I got the wording right) to pull in this new setting.

As to the cause and whose bug it is --

The developer said they were seeing this issue in several apps, and in each of those cases, it turned out to be a bug in the app, not in LastPass.

He even told what the bug was -- "the" because according to him, it was the same bug in all of them.

Well, if Aqua had a bug like this, it would be crashing when viewing messages. So that theory is wrong.

Other than that, he said they use the built-in Android accessibility service to fill passwords, that it's part of system code, also that system code behind WebView received a major update in 4.4...

To summarize: his theory about something being wrong in Aqua is false, he has no better solution, and if this is all caused by something in system code, he has no solution either.
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